Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Heyman Oleh Ayzikovych

Heyman Oleh Ayzikovych

Ph.D. of Technical Sciences, Doctor of Economics

Senior Researcher of the Research Centre for Industrial Development Problems of NAS of Ukraine in Kharkiv



Kyzym Mykola Oleksandrovych


Repository of Institute of Regional Research Kyzym, M. O., & Geyman, O. A. (2009). Stsenarne modelyuvannya rozvytku sotsial'no-ekonomichnykh system: napryamky, osoblyvosti ta mekhanizmy [Scenario Modeling of Development of the Socio-Economic Systems: Trends, Features and Mechanisms]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 54(4), 246 p. [in Ukrainian]. 

The problems of scenario modeling of development of socio-economic systems are analyzed. The essence, trends and peculiarities of the use of scenario approach have been determined. The differences between scenario approach to modeling and forecasting and traditional methods of strategic planning have been analyzed, the dominant availability of scenario approach to the solution of the problems of regional development has been proved. The types of scenarios and methods of its creating including the mathematical methods of creating of scenarios of development of socio-economic systems have been considered. The mechanisms of realization of scenario modeling have been analyzed and the formal description of the problem of scenario research has been given. 
scenario, modeling, region, strategy 

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