Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Hirnyak (Fostyak) Vira Volodymyrivna

Hirnyak (Fostyak) Vira Volodymyrivna

Ph.D. of Economics

Lecturer of the Department of banking of the Lviv Institute of the University of Banking



Repository of Institute of Regional Research Fostiak, V. V. (2011). Otsinka efektyvnosti inozemnoho kapitalu bankivs'kykh ustanov Ukrayiny [Evaluating the Foreign Capital Effectiveness in the Banking Institutions in Ukraine]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 59(1), 86-94. [in Ukrainian]. 

In terms of deepening of international integration and globalization processes in the banking system of Ukraine the share of foreign capital in the capital of banking institutions in Ukraine increases gradually. The estimation of foreign capital in the capitals of local banks is conducted on the basis of indices analysis. Positive and negative trends of their participation in the banking system of Ukraine are found. 
foreign capital, banking system, efficiency, capital profitability, assets profitability, credit and investment potential 

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Fostyak, V. V. (2009). Rol' bankivs'koho kapitalu v zabezpechenni rozvytku natsional'noyi ekonomiky [Role of Bank Capital in the Context of Globalization of Economy of Ukraine]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 53(3), 264 p. [in Ukrainian]. 

The importance of sufficiency of bank capital in the banking system and in the economy of the state on the whole has been considered. Тhe modern state of the level of capital of domestic banks, comparing it to the capital of banks of foreign countries has been analysed. Basic factors which restrain the level of development of the banking system of Ukraine and its influence on sufficiency of capital of banks have been reflected. 
bank capital, globalization, capitalization, banking system 

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