Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Horyn Halyna Volodymyrivna

Horyn Halyna Volodymyrivna

Leading Engineer of the Sector of transborder cooperation of the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine

Contacts:,, (097)038-7004



Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 338.48
Horyn, H. V. (2014). Systematyzatsiya metodolohichnykh pidkhodiv do vyznachennya sutnosti ponyattya «rekreatsiyno-turystychnyy potentsial rehionu» [Systematization of the methodological approaches for determining the essence of the concept of «recreation and tourism potential of the region»]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 72(2), 187-199. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 12

The interpretation of the term «potential» in various fields of science is investigated. The goals, objectives, features, principles and functions of formation and implementation of the recreational potential for the disclosure of the new concept of “recreational and tourism potential of the region” are justified. Practical aspects of formation of various approaches to the definition of definition of “recreation and tourism potential of the region” are presented. The various approache are used by scientists on the theoretical and methodological foundations of the study of the concept of «recreational and tourism potential of the region» is clarified. By systematizing methodological approaches define the essence of the concepts of “recreational potential”, “recreation and tourism potential”, “recreation and tourism potential of the region” are clarified their economic content. An in-depth study of the concepts of scientific knowledge “tourist and recreational potential” and “recreation and tourism potential”, which are often well-known are identified in the scientific literature. The own interpretation of the concept of “recreation and tourism potential of the region” is proposed. The choice of methodology for assessing recreation and tourism potential of the region as an integral index of total integral index of local potentials. The composition of each of the local potential is characterized by quantitative and qualitative indicators, the evaluation of which allows you to define the integral indicator of general recreation and tourism potential, the real state of its use. The results deepen and develop the methodological bases of research recreational sector is obtained. 
potential, recreation potential, recreation and tourism potential, region, methodological approaches, sphere of recreation, evolution 

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