Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Hoshovska Anna Volodymyrivna

Hoshovska Anna Volodymyrivna

Postgraduate of the Department of entrepreneurship and environmental examination of goods of the Institute of Ecology, Environmental Protection and Tourism n.a. Vyacheslav Chornovil of the Lviv Polytechnic National University



Kolomiyets' Ihor Fedorovych


Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 332.1:330.341.1:001.8
Kolomiyets, I. F., & Hoshovska, H. V. (2014). Evolyutsiya teoriy innovatsiyno-tekhnolohichnoho rozvytku v retrospektyvniy otsintsi [Evolution of the theories of innovation and technological development in retrospective evaluation]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 72(2), 178-186. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 9

Theoretical and methodological basis of the formation of the modern theories of innovation and technological development of the region are a number of theories as social and economic development, on the one hand, and regional development on the other. Given the need for justification of innovation and technological development in the region extremely important concern is to review the theories of regional development, which affect not only the understanding of the formation, sources of occurrence of actual theories of innovational development, but also are a necessary condition for a comprehensive study of innovation and technological development. Revealed researchers looks at the role of innovation in economic development and their importance in solving the actual problems innovative and technological development. Overcoming the time and spatial limits scientists step-by-step enriched the theory of innovational development with new ideas, determining the overall structure of approaches to the analysis and synthesis of information on this phenomenon. The basic position of regional development is described. Among the modern areas of regional development, which reflect patterns of spatial organization of society, the theory of «growth poles» is central to both the value and the spread. The founder of this theory was a French economist F. Perroux while developing this theory, he used the idea of diffusion of innovations, believing that their distribution determines economic progress. The estimation of the evolution of theories of innovative and technological development is done. We find that among the modern theories of innovational development that can be used in the formation innovative policy in the region are: the theory of intelligent technology F. Hayek and the theory innovative economics and entrepreneurial society of P. Drucker. Thus, the scientific developments of T. Hagerstrand allow to make a conclusion about objective character of territorial imbalances in the economy of the region, which are described by the process of sequential distribution of innovations in space. And the rate of diffusion of innovation depends on the innovational development of the informational and communicational systems, as well as a workforce. We determine that the region’s economic growth at all levels of the hierarchy depends on the innovation activity of businesses, their aspirations and ability to use in their activities the latest technologies in all spheres of public life. It was determined that the evolution of the formation of scientific knowledge on the innovative development of the economy reflects the set of processes that certify a complicated way of growth and succes not only of the whole economic theory in general, but also of science «regional economy» in particular. 
theory, innovation, innovative and technological development, regional development, regional economy 

Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 332.1:330.341.1:001.89
Kolomiyets, I. F., & Goshovska, G. V. (2013). Innovatsiyno-tekhnolohichnyy rozvytok rehionu: sutnist' ta naukovi pidkhody do traktuvannya ponyattya [Innovation and Technological Development of the Region: the Nature and Scientific Approaches to the Interpretation of the Concept]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 70(4), 175-181. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 15

The conceptual and terminological apparatus of innovation and technological development was analyzed. Scientific approaches to the system of basic concepts «innovation», «technological» «development» were disclosed. Author’s interpretation of the concept of «innovation and technological development of the region» was given. 
innovations, technologies, development, region 

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