Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Hrynchyshyn Iryna Mykolayivna

Hrynchyshyn Iryna Mykolayivna

Ph.D. of Economics

Senior Researcher of the Department of regional financial policy of the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine




Viknyans'ka Anastasiya Oleksandrivna

Storonyans'ka Iryna Zenoviyivna


Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 336.14:314.17:364(477); JEL H55
Hrynchyshyn, I. M. (2018). Napryamy pidvyshchennya efektyvnosti vykorystannya byudzhetnykh koshtiv na sotsial'nyy zakhyst v Ukrayini: rehional'nyy ta mistsevyy vymiry [Increasing the efficiency of using budget funds for social protection in Ukraine: regional and local dimensions]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 90 (4), 94-102. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].

The article highlights strategic guidelines for increasing the efficiency of budget funds use for social protection at the regional and the local levels in Ukraine. Strengthening of the processes of regional differentiation of both the total local spending on social protection (social security) and the size of these payments per capita led to significant differences in the levels of financial security of people on a territorial basis. Given that the issue of proper funding of social protection and social security of the population is both the question of sufficient financial resources allocation to the sector and the mechanisms of allocation, priority measures in the context of reforming of the branch are to identify inefficient local spending and directing released funds for raising material support of people who find themselves in difficult circumstances. On the basis of the research, the author establishes common approaches to planning, allocation and financing incentives to avoid inefficient use of financial resources in terms of verification of benefits and recipients of benefits and, in the long term, a gradual replacement of such type of social protection as benefits with other (more socially fair) ones that would meet the basic purpose of social protection - providing material support to disadvantaged people. For reducing regional differentiation in terms of social assistance to low-income individuals, the priority is to develop mechanisms of targeting enhancement and large-scale policy of reintegration of these people to employment taking into account regional specifics. Leveling of differences in load and funding of bodies providing social services requires assessment of the needs in social services, taking into account regional differences of social services beneficiaries. It is designated that adjustment of the process of decentralization of social protection is to be focused on the delineation of responsibilities of local governments in provision of social services; administration of social services at the local level; transition from funding institutions to funding social services with the use of social order. 
social protection, social privilege, social assistance, social services, region, budget resources, finances 

Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 332.021:351.82(477.8); JEL R10
Hrynchyshyn, I. M. (2017). Stratehichni oriyentyry rozvytku Karpats'koho rehionu u svitli formuvannya i realizatsiyi novoyi rehional'noyi polityky [Strategic guidelines for the development of the Carpathian region under the formation and implementation of the new regional policy]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 86(4), 14-21. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 13

The article highlights strategic guidelines for the development of the Carpathian region and evaluates them in terms of alignment with the goals of the State Strategy for Regional Development, identifies the need for greater prioritization of the strategic guidelines for the development of regions, while simultaneously identifying so-called «growth points» that will ensure the region’s economic growth and use of its own potential. Taking into account European approaches to the formation and implementation of a state policy of regional development aimed at smart, inclusive and sustainable growth is of particular importance in this process.
The fact that one of the most effective directions for the formation and realization of a new regional policy on the basis of the unity of Ukrainian territory is the focus on the development of macro-regions, which include the Carpathian region, is proved. European practice shows the shifting of emphasis from exclusive stimulating and development of specific regions and smoothing out the disproportions of regional development to the focus on identifying common features of regions in socio-economic development.
On the basis of the research, the peculiarities of coordination of regional development projects’ planning, financing and implementation measures based on the use of an integrated approach for regional development of regions or a region were determined.
The necessity of the following measure was emphasized: raising the level of strategic planning culture aimed at realism of the plan of measures for the implementation of the regional development strategy with a clear definition of organizational, financial and control parameters; maintenance of adequate information support for both the implementation of regional policy on the basis of increasing transparency in decision-making and its implementation, and the level of awareness of all stakeholders, and the possibilities of public monitoring of the regional policy implementation on the local level. 
regional policy, development strategy, strategic orientations, macro region, Carpathian region 

Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 336.13:364.5
Storonyanska, I. Z., & Hrynchyshyn, I. M. (2015). Osoblyvosti formuvannya ta vykorystannya finansovykh resursiv pensiynoho strakhuvannya na mistsevomu rivni (na prykladi L'vivs'koyi oblasti) [Peculiarities of the formation and using of financial resources of pension insurance at the local level (on example of Lviv region)]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 77(3). [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 3

Nowadays the aim of state regional policy is, on the one hand, to achieve social and economic development of the regions, on the other hand – a necessity of providing qualitative living conditions to citizens regardless of their place of residence. An effectively operating system of pension insurance is an important element of proprietary security of pensioners. In context of the existing territorial differences of social and economic development, a detection of characteristics of the formation and usage of financial resources of pension insurance at the local level will allow us to detect a potential of growth of revenues to the Pension Fund of Ukraine (PFC) in the region and an increase of efficiency of the expenditures so as to balance the budget of PFC of an appropriate territorial administration and to ensure a proper level of material wealth of pensioners herewith. The purpose of the article is to detect the characteristics of the formation and usage of financial resources of pension insurance at the local level (for example, Lviv region). In the article the peculiarities of a current stage of development of pension insurance at the local level (for example, Lviv region) are regarded. A study of peculiarities of the formation and usage of financial resources of the pension insurance in Lviv region is made on the basis of analytical notes about the activity of the Chief Department of the Pension Fund of Ukraine in Lviv region for 2009-2014. It is found that a current state of the pension insurance in Lviv region is characterized by nationwide trends of population aging, which along with a decreased of number of employed population exacerbates a problem of growth of burden on workers, employers and the State Budget of Ukraine. It was revealed that disproportions of social and economic development of the regions strengthen territorial differentiation of the formation and usage of financial resources of the Pension Fund of Ukraine, both by indicators of total revenues and total expenditures. On the basis of algorithm of the study of regional differentiation it is found out that the state policy of regional development in the field of pension insurance is built with a consideration of integration of levels of citizens’ pension maintenance but this also causes an extra burden to the State budget of Ukraine. The necessity of development of optimization measures for the formation and usage of financial resources of pension insurance that will promote a provision of adequate pension payments not only for current but also for upcoming pensioners regardless of their place of residence and social and economic development of the region is proven. 
pension insurance, financial resources, revenues, expenditures, region 

Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 369.212:332.143
Hrynchyshyn, I. M., & Viknyanska, A. O. (2014). Otsinyuvannya ta napryamy pidvyshchennya informatsiynoyi vidkrytosti Fondu sotsial'noho strakhuvannya z tymchasovoyi vtraty pratsezdatnosti [Evaluation and directions of increasing the information transparency of Social Insurance Fund for Temporary Disability]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 72(2), 124-131. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 7

Under information openness of Social Insurance Fund for Temporary Disability, we understand the process of providing maximum access to information, at its disposal, and encouraging the active involvement of citizens in direct communication and regular dialogue on social insurance for temporary disability.

The results of the monitoring of informational openness of Social Insurance Fund for Temporary Disability by parameters of general, compulsory and additional information revealed absence of unified requirements for informing the public on the official websites about executive bodies of Social Insurance Fund for Temporary Disability.

Typical violations of information support of some regional offices of the Social Insurance Fund for Temporary disability were: absence of bibliographic information about management staff; lack of informative content for major users on single social tax; the size of the average wage, informational reports; lack of access to the Regulation on the separation of the Social Insurance Fund for Temporary Disability; incomplete information on the budget for the current year and information on the performance of previous years; lack of content tabs “Documents of department”; incomplete coverage of official chronicles, news, announcements of official events and meetings, official reports and declarations, interviews and speeches by leaders; not provided with the possibility of feedback for the participant of the social insurance.

It was established that the amount and method of disclosure of official information, defined by each regional office of their own, do not contribute to proper awareness about the possibilities of social insurance of temporary disability. The above circumstances, primarily arose because of the lack of coordination requirements on of information support of of social insurance for temporary disability.

Taking this into account, recommendations are offered for providing the informational transparency of Insurance Fund for Temporary Disability in terms of ensuring a single ordered structure of placement of information, the need for mandatory reporting on ensuring of communication channels, setting the frequency of informing by the direction of work, introduction of the instrument for feedback connection. 

Social Insurance Fund for Temporary Disability, information maintenance, information openness 

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