Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Hryniv Lidiya Svyatoslavivna

Hryniv Lidiya Svyatoslavivna

Doctor of Economics, Professor

Head of the Department of economy of Ukraine n.a. M. Tugan-Baranovsky of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv




Sadova Ulyana Yaroslavivna

Khodyko Dmytro Ihorovych


Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 330.101:536:332.14:330.15; JEL Q57, R58, R12
Hryniv, L. S., & Khodyko, D. I. (2018). Formuvannya prostorovoyi modeli dlya staloho rozvytku: fizyko-ekonomichnyy pidkhid [Creation of the spatial model for sustainability: a physical economic approach]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 88 (2), 69-74. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 15

We interpret the potential of natural capital productivity in a spatial ecological social economic system (ESES) as the stock of free energy. According to the definition of entropy flow in an open system, the «negative entropy» inflow occurs into the Earth’s biosphere, with the sustainability of the negentropic budget maintaining the living matter mass conservation law posited by Volodymyr Vernadsky. Introduction of spatial heterogeneity into the free energy definition reveals the non-additive property of its volume across spatial subsystems of the biosphere. This further emphasizes the conceptual shortcomings of stakeholder-centric and property-based sustainability decision-making models. Instead, trajectories of system’s dynamics on different scales should become the subject of preventive decision-making and risk management by economic agents and regional stakeholders, acting in a multi-layered communication and coordination network with horizontal as well as hierarchical information and resource flows. The case of the Carpathian region is used to illustrate the substantive necessity and institutional prerequisites of a new spatial model for sustainable development. 
natural capital, spatial ecological social economic systems, free energy, negentropy, preventive governance for sustainability 

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Gryniv, L. S., & Sadova, U. Ya. (2011). Podvyzhnyk ukrayins'koyi ekonomichnoyi naukovoyi dumky (Do 80-richchya z dnya narodzhennya S.M. Zlupka) [Devotee of Ukrainian Economic Scientific Ideas (To 80th anniversary from the Day of Birth of S.M. Zlupko)]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 61(3), 214-216. [in Ukrainian].


Hryniv, L. S. (2016). Fizychna ekonomiia: novi modeli staloho rozvytku [Physical economics: new models of sustainable development]. Lviv: Liga-press. [in Ukrainian]. {re2018.02.069.006}

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