Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Hvozdovych Yuliya Orestivna

Hvozdovych Yuliya Orestivna

Deputy of Lviv City Council, Chairman of the standing parliamentary committee of law, deputy activity and freedom of speech




Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 330.341.1:053.67
Hvozdovych, Yu. O. (2013). Napryamy pidvyshchennya rivnya innovatsiynoho potentsialu molodi rehionu: finansovyy ta orhanizatsiynyy aspekty [Directions of Innovative Potential Level Increasing of the Youth in the Region: Financial and Organizational Aspects]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 69(3), 192-198. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 7

The essence of concept «innovative potential of the youth» is clarified. A calculation of the integral index for determining the level of the innovative potential of youth in the regions by demographic, organizational, logistical and financial components is proposed. On the basis of this method the place of Lviv region among other regions of Ukraine is analyzed. Some aspects of the financial and organizational nature for improving the level of innovative potential of young people in such directions as increasing, cooperation, involvement and return are outlined. 
youth, innovative potential, education system, scientific activity, «brain circulation» 

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