Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Irtyshcheva Inna Oleksandrivna

Irtyshcheva Inna Oleksandrivna

Doctor of Economics, Professor

Head of the Department of management of the Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding




Kramarenko Iryna Serhiyivna


Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 338.439
Irtyshcheva, I. O., & Kramarenko, I. S. (2014). Investytsiyna pryvablyvist' ekonomiky: mizhrehional'ni asymetriyi [Investment attractiveness of economics: interregional asymmetries]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 72(2), 84-94. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 16

The purpose of the research is to highlight the specificity of investment attractiveness of economics in Ukraine and its regions, study interregional asymmetries of incoming investments, decision of problems of attracting of effective investments and identification of key directions to increase investment attractiveness of Ukrainian regions.

In the article are described the specifics of investment attractiveness of Ukrainian economy and its regions. We investigate interregional asymmetries of investment income. It is proved that investments and their dynamics make a function of a kind of barometer of the state of national economy. Economic growth and macroeconomic stability depend on them. They give the opportunity to form the structure of the national economy that corresponds to the requirements of market conjuncture. Investments serve as a tool to even the levels of social-economic development, help to ensure the growth of the level and quality of life of members of society. This confirms the importance of investments in the implementation of processes of social reproduction. We revel problems in attracting of effective investments and defined key directions of increasing of Ukrainian regions investment attractiveness. In providing of the output of the economy from a crisis situation and its sustainable development, the decisive role plays scientifically grounded investment policy of State and regional institutions. They determine real sources, directions and structure of investments, making of rational and efficient reproductive processes for performance of national, regional and local social-economic and technological programs, reproduction processes on macro-, meso- and microeconomic levels. At the same time the most favorable investment climate with the aim of broader involvement has to be created, with foreign investors on mutually beneficial grounds.

It is proved that in process of economic crisis a crucial role must play State and regional authorities. Without reliable investments, guaranteed, first of all, by the reproductive process, it is impossible to ensure the creation and introduction of the newest technologies, systems of modern organization and management by goods production and sale of products, development of market infrastructure, modern informatization of society, etc. 

investments, investment attractiveness, foreign investors, interregional asymmetries 

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Irtyshcheva, I. O. (2009). Rehional'nyy innovatsiynyy rozvytok ahroprodovol'choyi sfery: suchasnyy stan ta zavdannya upravlinnya [Regional Innovative Development of Food-Producing Sphere: Modern State and Tasks of Management]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 54(4), 246 p. [in Ukrainian]. 

The issues of regional innovative policy are researched, the dynamics of innovative activity in the regions is analyzed. The problems of essence and importance of innovations have been considered, and the problems of innovation activity have been examined. Problems of innovative development, the factors which act negatively on innovative activity of the enterprises of the region have been considered. Basic conditions that influence on the improvement of innovative have been determined. 
innovations, innovation technologies, mechanism of innovation development 

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Irtyshcheva, I. O. (2009). Stan ta tendentsiyi rozvytku innovatsiyno-investytsiynoyi diyal'nosti Prychornomors'koho rehionu [State and Progress of Innovation-Investment Activity of Trans-Black Sea Region]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 51(1), 272 p. [in Ukrainian]. 

Innovative activity as the important factor of economic development country has been considered. The essence and importance of innovations have been considered, and the problems of innovation activity have been examined. The basic conditions that influence on improvement of innovative processes have been determined. The importance of financing the innovation activity in agro-industrial complex has been grounded. Basic conditions which are instrumental in the improvement of innovative development of the region have been determined. 
innovative activity, investment activity, innovative development 

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