Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Khvesyk Mykhaylo Artemovych

Khvesyk Mykhaylo Artemovych

Doctor of Economics, Professor, Academician of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine

Director, Head of the Department of problems of use and protection of water resources of the Institute of Environmental Economics and Sustainable Development of NAS of Ukraine




Bystryakov Ihor Kostyantynovych

Klynovyy Dmytro Vitaliyovych


Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 330.3:330.15:342.35(477); JEL О13, Q21, Q28, Q32
Khvesyk, M. A., Bystryakov, I. K., & Klynovyi, D. V. (2018). Yevrointehratsiynyy kontsept zabezpechennya staloho prostorovoho rozvytku Ukrayiny [Eurointegration concept for ensuring sustainable spatial development of Ukraine]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 90 (4), 5-16. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].

The article is devoted to the conceptual approaches to the realization of Ukraine’s European integration aspirations through the provision of its sustainable spatial development by the innovative mechanisms of the systemic economy, decentralization and the involvement of power and business cooperation through the mechanisms of public-private partnership. The purpose of the publication is to outline the general European integration concept of ensuring sustainable spatial development of Ukraine, which is built on the application of various forms of public-private partnership (PPP) instruments in the current public sector insolvency to ensure sustainable and balanced development of the territories and their competitiveness in a global economy. The main way of improving the economic and legal conditions of PPP in the use of natural resources in Ukraine should be an institutional way. According to this approach, the main conductor of economic activities with the natural assets should be a separate structure - an efficient private or public-private user in conditions of the expansion of community rights in the use of natural assets. The prospects and issues of the development of public-private forms of spatial organization of joint activities of government and business are associated with the introduction of European spatial development management forms with the participation of business structures and public associations based on the type of Regional Development Agencies (RDAs), including project offices of public-private partnership and using the achievements of the business ecosystem theory, the possibilities of interactive electronic geographic information systems and principles and approaches of the platform economy in the future. The basis for implementing the public-private partnership model for the local communities of Ukraine should be: democratization of the management system; overcoming corruption phenomena; ensuring transparency of decision-making; spreading the principles of representative democracy; completion of association of territorial communities; formation of plans and realization of projects of local development; strengthening of citizens’ participation in the implementation of local policies; development of non-governmental organizations; ensuring effective cooperation between the public and non-governmental sectors and widespread use of the concept of public-private partnership as an effective mean of solving urgent local economic, social and ecological problems. 
Eurointegration, sustainable spatial development, natural resources, public-private partnership 

Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 330.15:504.062.2:330.3
Khvesyk, M. A. (2008). Ekoloho-ekonomichne rehulyuvannya pryrodokorystuvannya v systemi hlobal'nykh stratehiy rozvytku [Ecological-Economic Regulation Nature M|anagement in the System of Global Strategies of Development]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 47(1), 64-76. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 9

Urgent problems of ecological-economic nature use regulation in the system of development global strategy, role of nature-resource restrictions of social economic development and benefits for Ukraine from integration are covered, the new approaches concerning of formation institutional interaction space between the nature protection international organizations and the separate countries governments are offered. 
nature use, ecological-economic regulation, resource economic factor, ecological strategy, institutional space 


Khvesyk, M. A., Bystryakov, I. K., & Klinovoy, D. V. (2016). Prostranstvennaya organizatsiya i napravleniya ispol’zovaniya prirodnogo bogatstva Ukrainy [Spatial organization and directions of use of natural wealth of Ukraine]. Ekonomika Ukrayiny – Economy of Ukraine, 648(7), 46-65. [in Russian]. {re2018.04.074.008}

Malik, M. Y., & Khvesyk, M. A. (2010). Stalyy rozvytok sil’s’kykh terytoriy na zasadakh rehional’noho pryrodokorystuvannya ta ekoloho-bezpechnoho ahropromyslovoho vyrobnytstva [Sustainable development of rural areas based on regional environmental management and environmentally friendly agro-industrial production]. Ekonomika APK – The Economy of Agro-Industrial Complex, 5, 3-12. [in Ukrainian]. {re2019.03.071.003}

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