Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Kishchak Ivan Teodorovych

Kishchak Ivan Teodorovych

Doctor of Economics, Professor

Head of the Department of organizations and foreign economic activity of the Faculty of Economics of the V.O. Sukhomlynsky National University of Mykolayiv




D'omina Valentyna Mykhaylivna


Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 338.242
Dyomina, V. M., & Kishchak, I. T. (2013). Prohnozuvannya rozvytku zovnishn'oekonomichnoyi diyal'nosti u Mykolayivs'kiy oblasti [The prognostication of development of the foreign economic activity in the Mykolaiv region]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 68(2), 89-97. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 9

To forecast the volumes of goods produced for export and for the needs of Mykolayiv region enterprises for the imported products the trend models are proposed enabling quantitative evaluation of foreign trade turnover in the region in the nearest future. The prognosis for 2014 calculated according to the models shows an increase of trade with foreign countries: in average by 20% for export and by 40% for import, which is the basis for the adjustment of strategic plans towards the development of the transport industry enterprises. 
export, import, prognosis, modeling, trend 

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Demina, V. M., & Kishchak, I. T. (2010). Suchasni tendentsiyi zovnishn'oyi torhivli pidpryyemstv Mykolayivs'koyi oblasti [Modern Tendencies and Perspectives of External Trade of Mykolayiv Region Enterprises]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 58(4), 178-183. [in Ukrainian]. 

The dynamics of exterior trade in Mykolayiv region in section of commodity and geographical structure is examined. Regularities of sectoral structural shifts of export and import components in regional economy are revealed. The tendencies of geographical diversification of export and import of commodities and services are analyzed. It is show that the immediate perspectives of growth of external economic cooperation of the enterprises in the region consist in development of the transport infrastructure and the recreation services sphere. 
economy, foreign economic activity, export, import, dynamics, structure 

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