Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Klyoba Taras Lvovych

Klyoba Taras Lvovych

Postgraduate of the Department of regional financial policy of the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine




Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 332.142.4; JEL G28, O16, O18, R58
Klyoba, T. L. (2018). Rehulyuvannya finansovykh dysbalansiv u systemi endohenno oriyentovanoho rozvytku rehioniv [Regulation of financial disbalances in the system of endogeno-oriented region development]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 89 (3), 81-87. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 15

The article considers the main principles of financial imbalances in the system of endogenously oriented development of regions. The strategic tasks of sustainable development of the regions are assessed. The methods of regulation of financial imbalances in the system of endogenously oriented development of regions are generalized. The efficiency of regional economy regulation methods is grounded, which provides an idea of the level of its social, economic, innovative development and investment attractiveness. The present state, trends and problems of reproduction of socio-economic potential of sustainable development of Ukraine and its regions are researched. The specifics of the modern economic development of the regions are analyzed, which determines the key role of the methodical platform for ensuring the effectiveness of regulation by regions.
The process of formation of the basic principles and methods of regulation of financial imbalances in the system of regions’ endogenously oriented development is proven to be taking place, which means transfer of managerial technologies from the private sector to public administration and presupposes the implementation of such principles in the regional management as: priority of goals, rather than processes in the organization of activities and decision-making; control over the implementation of managerial decisions on the results of activities; external control; for the executive authorities, citizens become clients; decentralization of the decision-making level; the requirement of economical and efficient use of resources.
The basis for socio-economic development of regions is determined to be well-structured planning system consisting of strategic and tactical planning according to administrative principles, In this connection, three stages of activity of state authorities are identified: planning of activities, resources, results; performance of activities, resources, results; reporting on activities, resources, results. After all, the regulation of financial imbalances in the system of endogenously-oriented development of regions as a set of principles, methods, forms and means of targeted influence of the socioeconomic processes occurring in the regions is complex and diverse. 
principles of financial imbalances, strategic tasks, organizational and managerial decisions, methods of regulation 

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