Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Krajnakova Emilia

Krajnakova Emilia


Associate Professor of the Department of economic theories of the Technical University of Kosice (Slovakia)




Voytovych Serhey


Repository of Institute of Regional Research Krajnakova, E., & Vojtovych, S. (2009). Zaynyatist' ta formy pratsevlashtuvannya v umovakh suchasnoyi ekonomichnoyi kryzy [Job Placement and Employment Forms in the Conditions of the Current Economic Crisis]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 54(4), 246 p. [in Ukrainian]. 

The causes and conditions of the forming the so-called flexible labor relations and appropriate forms of employment in the labor market of Western countries in terms of certain economic difficulties in the 60s of the XXth century are analyzed. Furthermore, on the basis of these experiences, the importance of these flexible forms of employment to maintain employment in terms of mass dismissal of the labor force affected by the current economic crisis is studied. 
flexible forms of employment, the labor market, unemployment, economic crisis 

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