Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Kuybida Stepan Vasylyovych

Kuybida Stepan Vasylyovych

Postgraduate of the Department of theoretical and applied economics of the Lviv Polytechnic National University




Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 330.341.4:351.824.1:330.35:005; JEL L50
Kuybida, S. V. (2018). Kontseptual'ni zasady strukturnoyi polityky derzhavy v umovakh hlobalizatsiyi [Conceptual bases of the structural policy of the state in globalization conditions]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 87 (1), 120-125. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 11

Based on the analysis of the achievements of Ukrainian and foreign scientists, the interpretation of the structural policy of the state has been improved. The necessity of its formation and realization in Ukraine on the principles specified by us for ensuring accelerated economic growth, elimination of disproportions of development of regions and increase of Ukraine’s competitiveness on world markets is substantiated.
Taking into account the competitive advantages and weaknesses of the Ukrainian economy, the purpose and main tasks of the structural policy of Ukraine in the conditions of globalization processes and increase in the highly developed countries of production of the sixth technological structure called the fourth industrial revolution have been specified. The method of implementation of structural policy in Ukraine under the specified conditions is selected and grouped.
The structural policy is implemented through the mechanism of structural regulation of the economy, under which we suggest to understand a set of methods and tools, by means of which certain managerial decisions are implemented in the process of formation and implementation of the structural policy of the state. The methods and tools of this mechanism will simultaneously be methods and instruments of the structural policy. Proceeding from the proposed definition of the mechanism of state structural regulation of the economy, we offer to attribute to its main components the methods that should be grouped on the basis of content filling of the methods: institutional, legal, economic and social.
Taking into account the global tendency to combine the material world with the virtual, as well as the considerable lag of the Ukrainian economy from the high-tech manufactures of the developed countries, the necessity of the formation and implementation of structural policy for ensuring accelerated economic growth, elimination of disproportions of regional development and enhancement of Ukraine’s competitiveness on world markets is substantiated. The principles of the formation of such a policy are highlighted and characterized, among which the following are compulsory: the rule of law, transparency, openness, participation, responsibility, efficiency, comprehensiveness, adequacy, compatibility, priority of the development of the IT industry and the scientific and technical sphere, ensuring life safety, alternatives and others. 
structural policy, globalization, digital technologies, principles, methods 

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