Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Kvasniy Mariya Mykolayivna

Kvasniy Mariya Mykolayivna

Ph.D. of Economics

Associate Professor of the Department of economics and information technologies of the Lviv Institute of the University of Banking




Druhov Oleksiy Oleksandrovych


Repository of Institute of Regional Research Kvasnii, M. M. (2010). Topolohichne modelyuvannya dynamiky struktury dilovoyi aktyvnosti bankiv L'vivshchyny [Topological Modeling of Bank Activity Structural Dynamics in Lviv Region]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 57(3), 106-115. [in Ukrainian]. 

The problem of analysis of nonlinear dynamics of financial and economic systems, in particular, of dynamics of bank business activity structure in Lviv region is considered. The study of bank activity structure alteration in Lviv region is presented on the basis of topological design. Topological spaces are built on a single segment with a natural topology, where the limits of quality estimations of business activity indices are represented as the ends of intervals. The reflection of the range of coefficients in built topological spaces is defined in such a way that the reverse reflections factorize the range of coefficients in accordance with the chosen quality estimations of indices. 
analysis of nonlinear dynamics, dynamics of structure, business activity, banks of Lviv region, topology, factorization, quality analysis 

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Drugov, O. O., & Kvasnii, M. M. (2010). Naukovi zdobutky L'vivs'koho instytutu bankivs'koyi spravy UBS NBU (do 70-richchya z dnya zasnuvannya) [Scientific Achievements of the Lviv Institute of Banking of University of Banking of NBU (to the 70 anniversary from the day of foundation)]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 56(2), 226-227. [in Ukrainian].

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