Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Lapishko Mariya Lvivna

Lapishko Mariya Lvivna

Ph.D. of Economics, Professor

Professor of the Department of banking of the Lviv Institute of the University of Banking; Professor of the Department of finance, accounting and analysis of the Educational and scientific institute of entrepreneurship and advanced technologies of the Lviv Polytechnic National University




Filonova Inna Borysivna


Repository of Institute of Regional Research Lapishko, M. L., & Filonova, I. B. (2011). Vplyv hlobalizatsiynykh protsesiv na funktsionuvannya bankiv v umovakh finansovoyi kryzy [Influence of Globalization Processes on Functioning of Banks in Terms of Financial Crisis]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 59(1), 64-71. [in Ukrainian]. 

Topical issues of international bank associations functioning in the processes of financial relations’ globalization are analyzed. Factors of their both positive and destabilizing influence upon the national bank systems are determined. The reasons of emergence and consequences of global financial crisis are outlined. Principally new approaches to financial system regulation in terms of global crisis are explained. The experience of foreign banks functioning in China is analyzed. 
banking system, bank with foreign capital, financial globalization, global financial crisis 

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