Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Lazareva Yevheniya Vyacheslavivna

Lazareva Yevheniya Vyacheslavivna

Doctor of Economics, Professor

Senior Researcher of the Department of business development of the Institute of Market Problems and Economic and Environmental Research of NAS of Ukraine




Butenko Anatoliy Ivanovych

Yablons'ka Nataliya Valentynivna


Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 330.341.1+008.1.332.1
Butenko, A. I., & Lazareva, Ye. V. (2013). Innovatsiynyy potentsial rehioniv Ukrayins'koho Prychornomorya [Innovative Potential of the Areas of Ukrainian Black Sea Region]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 68(2), 106-113. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 12

Comparative analysis and estimation of innovative ability of Ukrainian economy and the areas of Ukrainian Black Sea Region is conducted; basic tendencies of innovative activity development are defined in these region; the range of measures on efficient organization of innovative activity in the course of market institute development is offered. 
innovative potential, development trends, areas of Ukrainian Black Sea Region, entrepreneurship 

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Lazarieva, Ye. V., & Yablonska, N. V. (2011). Metodychnyy pidkhid do otsinky konkurentospromozhnosti rehionu [The Methodical Approach to Estimation of Regional Competitiveness]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 59(1), 23-31. [in Ukrainian]. 

Analysis of methodical maintenance of regional competitiveness estimation elaborated by the Ukrainian specialists is conducted. It stipulates examination of separate aspects of the abovementioned problem and provides methodical approach, adapted to the transitional stage of development of Ukraine (from the stage of sustainable development to the stage of efficient management) by the index of global competitiveness. 
competitiveness, region, basic indexes of estimation, special indexes of estimation 

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