Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Lyutkevych Olha Mykhaylivna

Lyutkevych Olha Mykhaylivna

Ph.D. of Economics

Senior Researcher of the Department of problems of development of financial and credit relations in the region of the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine


Lyutkevych Viktoriya Borysivna


Repository of Institute of Regional Research Liutkevych, O. M. (2011). Identyfikatsiya finansovoho potentsialu domashnikh hospodarstv rehionu [Regional Households’ Financial Capacity Identification]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 59(1), 72-78. [in Ukrainian]. 

The necessity of profound study of household finances as the component of state financial system is stressed. The existing approaches to the definition of household finances are systematized. The essence of household financial resources and financial capacity of regional households is specified taking into account the works of Ukrainian authors. 
financial activity, household, finances, resources, potential, savings 

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Lyutkevych, O. M., & Lyutkevych, V. B. (2009). Obgruntuvannya metodolohichnykh pidkhodiv do vyboru aktyviv rehionu yak obyektiv otsinky rivnya kapitalizatsiyi [Substantiation of the Methodological Approaches to the Choice of Assets of the Region as Objects of Estimation of the Level of Capitalization]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 51(1), 272 p. [in Ukrainian]. 

Character, features and place of assets of the region as objects of estimation of capitalization in the economic system of the region is determined. Offered methodology takes into account economic character of objects of estimation and benefits from the use of assets and examines capitalization of the added cost as a primary profit. 
region, estimation, economic assets, types of economic activity, added cost 

Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 339.732:339.13:338.46(477)
Lyutkevych, O. M. (2008). Doslidzhennya kharakterystyk i pokaznykiv funktsional'noho vplyvu inozemnoho kapitalu na rynok bankivs'kykh posluh Ukrayiny [The Research of the Characteristics and Indicators of the Foreign Capital Functioning Influence on the Bank Services Market in Ukraine]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 47(1), 106-114. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 9

The influence of the foreign capital on the Ukrainian market of the bank services functioning is analyzed. For the evaluating of the such influence the complex of characteristics and indicators is proposed. 
foreign capital, functioning influence, market of bank services, evaluation indicators 

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