Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Martsyn Volodymyr Stepanovych

Martsyn Volodymyr Stepanovych

Doctor of Economics, Professor

Head of the Department of international economics and investment activity of the Lviv Institute of Economy and Tourism



Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 336.748.12:338.51
Martsyn, V. S. (2012). Inflyatsiyni protsesy, prychyny yikh vynyknennya ta shlyakhy podolannya v Ukrayini [Inflationary Processes, their Causes and Ways of Overcoming in Ukraine]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 63(1), 21-30. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 17

Inflation of demand, which occurs when individual and firms incomes grow faster than the real volume of goods and services, and inflation of supply, when the growth of prices is predetermined by growth of production costs in terms of underutilization of productive resources leading to reduction in aggregate supply, are examined. It is proven that the price index, which describes the changes in economy through the GDP deflator used to calculate the value of indicators by the base-period prices, is the most important determinant of inflation and its depth. The ways of development of anti-inflation measures, the mechanism of substitution of foreign borrowings, the regulation of supply of excess money, which is in the hands of population and the transformation of public funds into the investment resources are proposed. 
inflationary processes, structural changes, aggregate proposal, free money, consumer prices, minimum wages, inflation pace, the purchasing power, social expenditures 

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Martsyn, V. S. (2011). Skladovi vplyvu pravovykh aspektiv na investytsiynu diyal'nist' Ukrayiny v suchasnykh umovakh hospodaryuvannya [Components of Legal Aspects Impact on Investment Activity in Ukraine in the Contemporary Economy]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 60(2), 78-88. [in Ukrainian]. 

Special attention is paid to creation of the efficiently functioning system of regulatory and legal maintenance of investment activity. The components of investment policy, its implementation for formation of attractive investment climate both within the country and internationally are analyzed. The need for reconsideration of the range of regulations in Ukraine in order to improve investment climate is emphasized. More efficient leverages of state adjustment of regulatory maintenance, in the first place – tax legislation, providing the usage of efficient methods of investment improvement are proposed. 
investment activity, investment performance, legal regulation, investment policy, investment climate, state adjustment, investment programs, tax regulation 

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Martsyn, V. S. (2010). Zakhody shchodo pokrashchennya investytsiynoyi pryvablyvosti rehionu v umovakh vykhodu z kryzy [Measures of Improvement of Regional Investment Attractiveness in the Context of Crisis Overcoming]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 58(4), 46-55. [in Ukrainian]. 

Investment activity as an important part of the overall process of production activity efficiency management is considered. The activities over formation and implementation of regional industrial and investment policy are examined; attention is paid to improving of regional competitiveness, maximizing of the effect of attracting additional investment resources to the territory of the region that requires detailed elaboration of investment projects and programs. Definition and economic substantiation of the management strategy of separate territorial entities development as well as removing of institutional and regulatory barriers are stressed. 
investment activity, investment attraction, regional infrastructure, development strategy, investment policy 

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Martsyn, V. S. (2009). Znachennya inozemnoho investuvannya dlya intehruvannya Ukrayiny v svitovyy ekonomichnyy prostir v umovakh hlobalizatsiyi [Foreign Investment in the Ukrainian Integration into the World Economic Space in the Globalization Conditions]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 51(1), 272 p. [in Ukrainian]. 

The main function of the foreign investments is to attract the real capital into the national economy. The state and problems of investment into Ukrainian economy have been considered. A number of aspects (political, social, technical, technological) have been outlined that stipulate for Ukrainian economy integration into world economic space. The attention has been paid to the fact that the achievement of real structure shift in the national economy, its technical and technological improvement demands favorable investment climate for the foreign investor. Budget investment improvement, bank credit extension, stock market further development have been offered. 
foreign investments, integration processes, world economic space, national economy, competition environment, investment activity, investment policy, state regulation, strategic investor 

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