Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Martynova Liliya Borysivna

Martynova Liliya Borysivna

Ph.D. of Philology, Associate Professor

Deputy Director of teaching and methodical work of the Vinnytsia Trade and Economic Institute of Kyiv National Trade and Economic University; Doctoral Postgraduate of the Department of international economic relations of the Khmelnytsky National University




Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 331.522.4:37(043.3); JEL I20, J44
Martynova, L. B. (2016). Problemy ta novitni tendentsiyi rozvytku osvitn'o-kvalifikatsiynoho potentsialu naselennya Ukrayiny [Effective implementation of education and qualification potential of population under demographic changes]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 82(4), 45-55. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 17

The article highlights the problems of development and effective implementation of education and qualification potential of the population.
In Ukraine the last two decades witnessed significant changes in the socio-economic development: the transition to a market economy and its restructuring, increasing integration of national economies into the world markets in terms of strengthening globalization. These changes directly impact all the spheres of life and society, especially the employment and labor market development.
Thus the purpose of the article is to analyse the problems of education in Ukraine in the context of the European integration process and overall economic and demographic trends and to identify areas of overcoming them.
The effectiveness of education and qualification potential reproduction depends on how flexible education system is in response to the parameters of the environment that are not always consistent with each other in a market economy. The lack of coverage of children with pre-school institutions, the problem of optimizing the network of schools, the problem of modernizing and improving the quality of vocational training, low salaries of workers in education, insufficiently developed system of continuous education, structural distortions in higher education, the problem of providing high quality training, low efficiency of professional orientation are the main problems of education and qualification potential in Ukraine.
Modernization of the education system towards ensuring its quality according to the latest scientific achievements and implementation of the concept of lifelong learning are the urgent issues to maintain and enhance existing education and qualification potential. The need to implement the concept of lifelong learning is determined by such objective factors as the dynamic changes in education technologies and population aging.
Population aging is a particular imperative for the development of the education system. Ensuring access of seniors to education and training stimulates their intellectual activity, developing new skills and capabilities, contributes to the independence and assertion of their dignity and acts as a prerequisite for the preservation of employment and vitality of older people, overcoming negative stereotypes about aging. Thus, the two main areas of education and qualification improvement are the development and implementation of continuous education of the population; the creation of additional educational opportunities and training for the elderly.
Effective use of the mechanism of lifelong learning will improve education and qualification potential of the population in general, where the share of older persons is significant, and ensure its effective implementation in labor market. 
human potential, education and qualification potential, lifelong learning, population aging, labor market 

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