Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Melnyk Leonid Hryhorovych

Melnyk Leonid Hryhorovych

Doctor of Economics, Professor

Head of the Department of economics and business administration of the Sumy State University




Dehtyar'ova Iryna Borysivna

Kubatko Oleksandr Vasyl'ovych


Repository of Institute of Regional Research Melnyk, L. H., & Dehtiareva, I. B. (2010). Urakhuvannya eksternal'nykh efektiv pidpryyemstv pry ekoloho-ekonomichnomu obgruntuvanni rehional'noho rozvytku [Account of External Effects of Enterprises in Ecological-Economic Substantiation of Regional Development]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 57(3), 29-36. [in Ukrainian]. 

The problems of account of both positive and negative external effects of economic entities are considered. It forms preconditions for increase of ecological-economic efficiency of economic decisions on the planning stage due to adjustment of real targeting in course of emergence of both positive and negative external and internal effects of producing economic agents. Account of external effects enables efficient ecological-economic substantiation of economic decisions concerning regional social, ecological and economic development, which in its turn provides the increased efficiency of functioning of regional ecological-economic systems. 
external effect, internal effect 

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Melnyk, L. G., & Kubatko, O. V. (2009). Ekonomichnyy rozvytok rehioniv Ukrayiny z urakhuvannyam ekolohichnoyi komponenty v konteksti staloho rozvytku [Economic Development of Ukrainian Regions Subject to Ecological Factor in the Contest of Sustainable Development]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 53(3), 264 p. [in Ukrainian]. 

The problems of sustainable development are examined – as achievements of positive rates of the economy growing along with diminishing of pollution of environment. Connection between profits per capita and by pollutions of atmosphere is modelled. A form of connection between profits and pollution in accordance with the theory of economy of nature management is back U-similar, that is at first pollution grows together with growth of profits, but then under reaching the certain level of profits pollution must begin to fall. From point of economic science, economy growing, attended with diminishing of pressure on an environment, and will be that stage of passing to principles of sustainable development. Results of modeling are presented and terms which quality of air pool in Ukraine will become better are improved. 
Environmental Kuznets Curve, sustainable development, regional economic development, Pollution–Income Model 


Melnik, L. G. (2005). Na poroge informatsionnogo obshchestva [On the threshold of the information society]. In Sotsial'no-ekonomicheskiye problemy informatsionnogo obshchestva [Socio-economic problems of the information society]: (pp. 10-14). Sumy: University Book. [in Russian]. {re2017.02.023.002}

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