Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Mostenets Oleksandr Volodymyrovych

Mostenets Oleksandr Volodymyrovych

Ph.D. of Economics

Postgraduate of the Department of management of the Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University



Cherchyk Larysa Mykolayivna


Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 330.111.4:332.122
Cherchyk, L. M., & Mostenets, O. V. (2014). Sutnist' i skladovi mekhanizmu zabezpechennya konkurentospromozhnosti rekreatsiynoyi systemy rehionu [The essence and the components of the mechanism for ensuring the competitiveness of regional recreational system]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 74(4), 147-154. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 6

The article is based on the generalization of the present approaches to defining the essence of the mechanism but it offers author’s definition of the mechanism of regionalrecreational system competitiveness implementation as the entity of interconnected norms, rules, methods and influence means, which provide the realization of goals in terms of providing competitive benefits based on effective use of recreational potential and competitive strategy. The formation of the mechanism of regionalrecreational system competitiveness implementation must be conducted based on the main principles: systematic, consistency, complementarity, balance, alternative, complexity. The aim of mechanism of regionalrecreational system competitiveness implementation functioning is the achievement of the certain level of competitiveness of the recreational system, providing the realization of competitive benefits in the economic, political, social conditions that characterize the recreational sphere of the region, state and the world depending on which market a certain recreational system is competing. The object of influence in a mechanism of regionalrecreational system competitiveness implementation is the competitive potential of the regional recreational system, the subject are the competitive benefits that determine the desired changes, as well as other outer factors, which are considered as opportunities that influence the development of recreational system in a positive way. The subjects of regulation can be legislative and executive state bodies, local government, companies authorities, businessmen, scientific institutes, educational establishments, nongovernmental organizations etc. They use certain methods of influence that make it possible to provide a certain level of competitiveness of the regional recreational system. Process approach allows to create a model of the mechanism of regionalrecreational system competitiveness implementation as a consistency of phases aimed at improvement of recreational system competitiveness, formation and support of competitive benefits, such as the analysis of the recreational potential components, determination of competitive potential of recreational system of the region as well as competitive benefits, goals of recreational system development: explaining the strategic means of providing the competitiveness of the regional recreational system; strategic planning of the realization process of the development strategy of regional recreation system; development, approval and implementation of regional programs and projects on developing a recreational system in the region; efficiency assessment of the chosen strategic method of providing the competitiveness of the regional recreational system. A certain block comprises the choice of tools, methods, influence means in order to provide the realization of the chosen strategy, regional programs and projects. Their structure, content and orientation should be viewed through their influence on the competitiveness improvement of the regional recreational system. All the tools and used methods must be interconnected with the determined goals and stimulate all the subjects of regional recreational systems to realize those. 
competitiveness, recreational system of the region, mechanism of competitiveness implementation of regional recreational system, competitive benefits, recreational sphere 

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