Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Moiseenko Iryna Pavlivna

Moiseenko Iryna Pavlivna

Doctor of Economics, Professor

Professor of the Department of finance of the Institute of Law, Psychology and Economics of the Lviv State University of Internal Affairs




Repository of Institute of Regional Research Moyseyenko, I. P. (2016). Humanitarnyy vymir ekonomichnoyi bezpeky derzhavy [The humanitarian dimension of state economic security]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 81(3), 169-171. [in Ukrainian]. 

Review on publication: Datsko, O. I. (2015). Humanitarni imperatyvy zmitsnennya ekonomichnoyi bezpeky Ukrayiny [Humanitarian imperatives for strengthing of the economic security of Ukraine]. Lviv : Liga-Press. 

Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC [339.166.5+001.89]:351.863
Moiseenko, I. P. (2011). Intelektual'na skladova ekonomichnoyi bezpeky Ukrayiny [Intellectual Constituent of Ukrainian Economic Security]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 62(4), 169-176. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 8

The economic security of the state in terms of social processes intellectualization is determined by efficiency of intellectual capacity use due to the increase of its role in innovative economic development. The aims of economic security strategy are formulated based on the use of intellectual capacity of Ukraine. The measures of strategies implementation and directions for improvement of organizational and economic regulation of intellectual sphere are defined. 
economic security, intellectual potential, educational potential, innovative development 

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