Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Mulska Olha Petrivna

Mulska Olha Petrivna

Ph.D. of Economics

Researcher of the Department of problems of social and humanitarian development of the regions of the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine

Contacts:, (096)877-3213



Levyts'ka Ol'ha Oleksandrivna


Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 331.55:364;JELC43,C62,J61
Levytska, O. O., & Mulska, O. P. (2016). Naukovo-metodychne zabezpechennya otsinyuvannya seredovyshcha sotsial'no-ekonomichnoyi zakhyshchenosti mihratsiyno aktyvnoho naselennya [Scientific and methodical bases for estimation of the environment of migrant-active population’s socio-economic security]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 79(1), 78-88. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 6

The scientific search for optimal methods to be used for evaluation of the environment of migrant-active population’s socio-economic security is essential because of the lack of specific materials and experience in terms of this type of research in Ukraine. The necessity for continuous monitoring of such processes on the basis of sufficient information support is noted. For this purpose, scientific and methodical bases for construction of the integral index, estimating the environment of migrant’s socio-economic security in Ukraine, have been elaborated and substantiated. Five indicator groups have been established. They are: the reproduction security (risks and favourable conditions for children’s upbringing, good health maintenance, family creation and support); the living standards security (sufficient level of the gross income and consumption, good housing conditions); development security (opportunities of having access to basic secondary, vocational and higher education, to historical and cultural sights, to physical culture and sports); work security (opportunities for employment, professional skills application and reproduction, professional growth, getting wages in accordance with the labour contributed and level of qualification, labour security and safety); the environment and social security (environmental risks and threats to humans, as well as the level of crime and other forms of antisocial (deviant) behaviour). The method of the multidimensional mean value indexes weighting relative to the base period (the Index-Numbers method) has been used in the current research.
In terms of the base multidimensional mean value indexes, calculated for the integral indicator, the impact of socio-economic security factors on external migration growth in the country from 2005 to 2014 has been defined and the dynamics of the environment of migrant’s security, as particularly vulnerable social group in Ukraine, have been estimated. It is shown that during the period analysed, the integral index of the environment of migrant-active population’s socio-economic security has a rising tendency. There are some positive changes observed in Ukraine along the lines of improvement of socio-economic security conditions for migrants. However, the range of changes (the integral index level increased in 1,51 times) does not correspond to expectations of most of the migrants (both current and potential). Noted positive developments are considered to be insufficient to curb migratory intentions in the country because of not meeting public needs and demands. The methodology proposed can serve as a basis for further modelling of the level of socio-economic security of migrants in Ukraine, for change forecasting of the integral index of the socio-economic security environment and for scientific substantiation of migration policy. 
migration, migrant-active population, socio-economic security, integral index of security environment 

Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC [314.17+311.14]
Mulska, O. P. (2012). Formuvannya intehral'noho indeksu dobrobutu dytyny v Ukrayini [Forming of the Integral Index of the Child's Welfare in Ukraine]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 66(4), 136-144. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 14

Current problems of improvement of social policy on children in Ukraine are outlined. The methodical issues of the level and quality of life analysis are examined. The algorithm of calculation of the integral index of the child’s welfare is proposed. 
welfare of the child, standard of living, integral index of welfare 

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