Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Nazarkevych Ihor Bohdanovych

Nazarkevych Ihor Bohdanovych

Ph.D. of Economics, Associate Professor

Associate Professor of the Department of economy of Ukraine of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv

Contacts:, (032)270-7089, (067)609-5039



Nazarkevych Oksana Bohdanivna


Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 338.43:[631.11]:332(477)
Nazarkevych, I. B., & Nazarkevych, O. B. (2014). Stan i perspektyvy rozvytku derzhavnoho finansuvannya malykh ahrarnykh pidpryyemstv Ukrayiny na rehional'nomu rivni [The state and prospects of development at Ukrainian small agricultural enterprise and goverment financing at the regional level]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 72(2), 57-65. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 6

The purpose of the article is the estimation of state and determination of prospects of state financing development at small agricultural Ukrainian enterprises at the regional level. In the article, the current state policy of promoting small enterprises has been examined. The state of a financing activity at small enterprises of the agrarian sphere in different programs and actions at the regional level has been estimated. In particular, the dynamics and trends in the financing of small and medium enterprises in Ukraine on the basis of national and regional programs are reserched. The analysis of a development program for small enterprises in the Lviv region has been conducted. Institutional resource of state support of small agricultural enterprises in Ukraine is considered. Proved the most problematic issues of small and medium-sized agricultural enterprises development. The factors of effective development of agricultural production in Ukraine and improvement of its competitiveness. In particular, it is defined, that the regional budget funds are directed to: financing business projects on a rotating basis; concessional loans; creation of new infrastructure to support entrepreneurship and to replenish charter capital, as well as, revolving fund of existing facilities; educational and methodical work; exhibitions events; publishing newsletters, brochures, manuals; training and retraining of unemployed people, oriented to entrepreneurial activity etc.

Substantiated, that the biggest factor that restrict the access of small businesses to finance are high interest rates. In the long-term loans (particular loans with long-term strategic impact on the economy) interest rate, that is acceptable for most borrowers, should not exceed 10-12% per annum. The investigated indirect levers to stimulate the development of small and medium-sized agricultural domestic business are proposed. The peculiarities and volume of state investments in the development of small type of business have been determined. 

small agricultural entrepreneurship, agricultural enterprises, state sponsorship, funding, business entities 

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Nazarkevych, I. B. (2010). Innovatsiyna skladova v antykryzovykh zakhodakh Ukrayiny [Innovative Constituent in Anticrisis Measures of Ukraine]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 56(2), 179-185. [in Ukrainian]. 

The problem of implementing the innovative policy in the system of anticrisis measures of the state is considered. The contribution of Ukrainian scientists into the overcoming of crisis phenomena in national economy and examining the role of innovative processes in its development is outlined. The basic factors of economic instability in national innovative system are presented. Measures, aimed at the increase of competitiveness of national economy, are emphasized. The directions of stimulation of innovative activity in Ukraine on the basis of financial and industrial policy are offered. The conditions of forming of efficient innovative policy are determined. Measures over reconstruction of internal market of innovative products are offered. 
economic crisis, innovative policy, competitiveness, anticrisis measures, innovative activity, market of innovative products, governmental target programs 

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