Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Nezdoyminov Serhiy Heorhiyovych

Nezdoyminov Serhiy Heorhiyovych

Ph.D. of Economics

Associate Professor of the Department of tourism and hotel-restaurant business of the Odessa National Economic University




Andryeyeva Nataliya Mykolayivna


Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 332.142.6:338.48(477)
Nezdoyminov, S. H., & Andryeyeva, N. M. (2012). Kontseptual'ni pidkhody do "zelenoho rehionalizmu" yak ekolohichnoho imperatyvu rozvytku rekreatsiyi ta turyzmu v Ukrayini [The Conceptual Approaches to «Green Regionalism» as Ecological Imperative of Recreation and Tourism Development in Ukraine]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 64(2), 80-88. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 11

Scientific views over the problems of «green regionalism» principles’ forming in the field of recreation and tourism in the context of UNEP «green economy» concept are examined. Author approaches to forming of principles of «green regionalism» in the regional policy of recreation and tourism development, typology of recreation and tourist regions on the basis of estimation of their competitiveness and economic efficiency of development are presented. The basic problems of regionalization of social and economic policy of tourist regions’ development are defined. 
regionalism, «green economy», typology of regions,principles of «green regionalism» in the field of recreation and tourism 


Nezdoyminov, S. H. (2016). Sil’s’kyy zelenyy turyzm yak faktor rehional’noho rozvytku [Rural green tourism as a factor of regional development]. DSpace: Website. Retrieved fromСільський%20зелений%20туризм%20як%20фактор.pdf [in Ukrainian]. {re2019.02.090.002}

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