Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Pavlotskyy Volodymyr Yakovych

Pavlotskyy Volodymyr Yakovych

Senior Lecturer of the Department of tourism and hotel-restaurant business of the Odessa National Economic University




Herasymenko Viktor Hryhorovych


Repository of Institute of Regional Research Gerasymenko, V. H., & Pavlotskyi, V. Ya. (2011). Metodyka vyznachennya kil'kisnykh pokaznykiv rehional'noho rynku turystychnykh posluh [Methods of Evaluation of Quantitative Indiactors at Regional Tourist Services Market]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 60(2), 157-163. [in Ukrainian]. 

Theoretical aspects of evaluation of quantitative indicators at regional tourist market are analyzed. The method of calculating the potential capacity of the regional tourist market is offered. Potential capacity and saturation level of the tourist market of Odessa region are defined. 
regional tourist market, the structure of tourist market, potential and actual market size, degree of saturation of the tourist services market 

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