Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Pavlov Volodymyr Ivanovych

Pavlov Volodymyr Ivanovych

Doctor of Economics, Professor, Honored Economist of Ukraine

Head of the Department of finance and economics of natural resources of the National University of Water and Environmental Engineering




Boreyko Volodymyr Ivanovych

Zaremba Vitaliy Mykolayovych

Lyakhovych Ol'ha Oleksandrivna

Fesina Yuriy Heorhiyovych


Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 330.117.334.716.008.8:330.341.1
Pavlov, V. I., & Lyakhovych, O. O. (2013). Osoblyvosti form derzhavno-pryvatnoho partnerstva v innovatsiyniy sferi [Features of Public-Private Partnership Forms in the Innovation Sphere]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 69(3), 57-65. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 9

The essence of public-private partnership (PPP) forms according to the features of their application in the innovation sphere is revealed. The basic forms of cooperation between public and private sectors in Ukraine are highlighted. Special attention is paid to the direct and indirect forms of state involvement in PPP innovative projects. 
public-private partnership, technological parks, tax exemptions 

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Pavlov, V. I. (2011). Finansovyy kapital v diyal'nosti finansovo-promyslovykh hrup [Financial Assets in the Financial and Industrial Groups Activity]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 62(4), 229-231. [in Ukrainian].

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Pavlov, V. I., & Boreyko, V. I. (2009). Instytutsional'ni peretvorennya ta yikh vplyv na rehulyuyuchi funktsiyi derzhavy [Institutional Transformations and their Influence on the State Regulative Functions]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 51(1), 272 p. [in Ukrainian]. 

The influence of institutes formal and informal on development of economy of the country has been studied. It has been determined, that disparity of institutional environment to the market conditions of management entailed the failures of transformation reforms and in perception by their considerable part of population in Ukraine. It has been stated, that perfection of regulative functions of the state and the formation in the citizens of a new world view vision of public relations brings forward the mortgage of progress of realization of market transformations. 
institute, institutional environment, economy of country, market conditions, transformation reforms, state adjusting 

Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC [338.43:339]:316.334.2+330.15
Pavlov, V. I., Zaremba, V. M., & Fesina, Yu. H. (2008). Instytutsional'ni determinanty ratsional'noho ahrarnoho pryrodokorystuvannya v rehioni [Institutional Determinants of Rational Agrarian Nature Use in the Region]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 48(2), 105-113. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 4

Present-day situation of agrarian economy functioning of the region has been studied. Advantages and lacks of separate spheres of AIC are certain in the conditions of membership of the country in WTO have been determined. The role of institutional factor in the development of agrarian economy has been considered. Attention has been paid to the necessity of rationalization of agrarian nature using of the region in the conditions of WTO. Creation of associations of agrarian nature users for the decision of ecological and economical problems of regional sphere of agrarian economy has been recommended. 
competitiveness, WTO, agrarian economy, institutes, institutional environment, rational nature use, agrarian nature users association 


Pavlov, V. I., & Pavlikha, N. V. (2007). Kontseptual’ni zasady upravlinnya stalym prostorovym rozvytkom [Conceptual principles of management of sustainable spatial development]. Visnyk ekonomichnoyi nauky Ukrayiny – Bulletin of Economic Sciences of Ukraine, 1(11), 119-124. [in Ukrainian]. {re2018.03.029.010}

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