Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Полулях Иво

Полулях Иво

Doctor of State Management, Professor

Emeritus Professor of the Faculty of Public and Economic Sciences of the Ukrainian Free University (Munich, Germany)


Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 172:339.1
Polulyakh, I. (2014). Sotsial'na etyka v systemi rynkovoyi ekonomiky [Social ethics in the market economy system]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 71(1), 81-86. [in Ukrainian].

The basic principles of social ethics, the concept of the social market economy, its social components, which are based on the principles of Christian ethics are considered. It is noted that the efficiency of the social market economy also depends and from compliance with these principles. 
social ethics, social market economy, Christian social ethics 

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