Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Pukhyr Svitlana Tymofiyivna

Pukhyr Svitlana Tymofiyivna

Ph.D. of Economics, Associate Professor

Associate Professor of the Department of economics of the Lviv Institute of the University of Banking




Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 332.021:351.82, JEL R10
Pukhyr, S. T. (2016). Suchasni pidkhody u formuvanni ta realizatsiyi derzhavnoyi polityky rehional'noho rozvytku [Modern approaches to the formation and implementation of the state policy of regional development]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 81(3), 26-33. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 9

The main current problems of regional development in Ukraine are considered, most significant among them are: deepening of regions’ differentiation by the key indicators of socio-economic development; extension of depression areas; increase in the level of intra-regional differentiation; desintegration of the national economic space. With a glance to the international experience on the subject of a gradually transformation of traditional influence of state on regional development, focused on the investment support of some problematic regions and infrastructural projects with consideration of endogenous growth factors of the territories’ competitiveness, strengthening of innovation-oriented assistance, training and retraining of the workforce, and distribution of financial assistance for all regions, modern approaches to the modernization of the state policy of regional development of Ukraine are defined. Components of a new paradigm of its formation and realization are characterized. They are: the polyhierarchical interests of business entities at the regional level, principles of the vertical and horizontal coordination of managerial measures of encouragement of regional development; assurance of equal opportunities and favourable institutional prerequisites for a comprehensive development of regions, and increase of their competitiveness; implementation of hybrid instruments and mechanisms encouraging regional development. The strategic goal and objectives of the state regional policy for the period until 2020 are emphasized, as well as the beginning of the integrated approach, based on a combination of three components: a sectoral (branch), territorial (spatial) and managerial one, interaction of which has a synergetic nature, is stated. The ways of achieving of strategic priorities are also revealed. It is noted that among the priorities of the state regional policy, encouragement and support of local initiatives with regard to efficient use of internal potential of the regions is of a special significance in creation and development of a full-fledged life environment, improvement of the quality of human life. A conclusion about the fact that there is a more diversified approach, being formed in the state regional policy in Ukraine, is drawn. Such an approach focuses not only on the problems of alignment, as far as there are elements involving endogenous growth factors, improvement of the regions’ competitiveness, tasks associated with the territorial social-economic integration and spatial development, spread of innovations and also involving effective governance of regional development issues. 
state regional policy, paradigm, endogenous factors, strategic objectives, strategic priorities 

Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 321.02(477):332.021
Pukhyr, S. T. (2014). Instytutsiyne zabezpechennya formuvannya ta realizatsiyi derzhavnoyi rehional'noyi polityky v Ukrayini [Institutional support for the formation and implementation of national regional policy in Ukraine]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 72(2), 17-26. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 8

During the last decade in Ukraine takes place rather complicated process of modernization of the state management of regional development, especially development and implementation of national regional policy, which should make the transition to a new quality of national economic development, increase the competitiveness of all regions of the country both in the domestic and foreign markets . However, the current system of institutional support for the development and implementation of national regional policy in Ukraine requires improvement and the creation of an effective set of institutions and institutes.

Analyzing the process of establishing institutional support for national regional policy in the years of Ukraine’s independence, there are four stages of development: I-nd - 1991 - 1998 biennium; II-nd - 1998-2007 biennium; III-nd - 2007-2011 biennium; IY-and - 2011 – present. The first period is characterized by the lack of focus on the regional level, the destruction of economic relations between the regions and dramatic changes in the ownership structure, inefficient use of natural resources and scientific and industrial opportunities in the region and the lack of effective mechanisms to encourage their development. During this period, there were no established system of state regional policy and institutional support.

During the second period, an active position Ministry of Economy of Ukraine took, having developed projects: Concept of Regional Policy, which had defined: goals, objectives, principles and priorities, government regulation of regional development, enhancing the role of local authorities and local authorities in regional development and institutional framework for its implementation and the Law of Ukraine “On the promotion of regional development”; launched the joint development and implementation of measures to regional authorities and governments - Agreement on Regional Development, developed National Regional Development Strategy for the period until 2015. During this period, the Department for Regional Development Ministry of Economy of Ukraine introduced annual coordination of socio-economic development and ways of solving problems of regions that require government intervention.

Adoption at the governmental level of decision to create a new central executive body - the Ministry of Regional Development and Construction of Ukraine (MRDC) not only ensure effective formation and implementation of national regional policy, but rather, in many points destabilized it .

By comparing authority of the Ministry of Economy and Ministry of Regional Development of Ukraine we note that actually was created a situation of dispute, dispersion and duplication, which in turn led to the uncertainty of their responsibility. With the formation of two major, leading institutions in the development of institutional support for the formation and implementation of national regional policy began third period.

Since 2011 and until now, the key institutions that influence the formation and implementation of national regional policy is central and regional legislative and executive branches of government, academic institutions, NGOs and donors.

Although some steps were taken we can say that the institutional framework of the state regional policy in the country is still not systematic and has no science-based nature. In relations between institutional partners in the state regional policy is a significant mismatch.

To create conditions for sustainable and balanced development of dynamic regions of Ukraine, improvement of life of every person, regardless of place of residence, it is necessary to ensure the smooth functioning of institutions at all territorial levels, the coordination of multi-system formation and implementation of the new national regional policy, which feature is a departure from concept attempts to align regional development areas to solve problems of ensuring equal access to key public services social, administrative and market-based. 

institution, institutional support, institutional partners, national regional policy 

Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 332.146:338.2(477.83)
Pukhyr, S. T. (2008). Uhoda shchodo rehional'noho rozvytku - odyn z mekhanizmiv realizatsiyi derzhavnoyi rehional'noyi polityky (z dosvidu L'vivs'koyi oblasti) [Agreement in Relation to Regional Development - One of the Mechanisms of Realization of Public Regional Policy (from Experience of the Lviv Region)]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 47(1), 242-246. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 4

By the law of Ukraine «On Stimulation of Development of the regions», brought into action in September, 8, 2005 for 2850-IV, elaboration and making agreements, which will be instrumental in the concerted activity of central and local organs of executive power and organs of local self-government in the field of state stimulation of development of the regions, implementation of regional strategies of development in relation to regional development are foreseen. 
agreement in relation to regional development, strategy and priorities of development, general measures, stimulation of development of the regions 

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