Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Romanyuk Mykhaylo Dmytrovych

Romanyuk Mykhaylo Dmytrovych

Doctor of Economics, Professor, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine

Professor of the Department of management and marketing of the Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University




Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 14.7:351.746.1(477); JEL H56, J61
Romanyuk, M. D. (2016). Zakordonna trudova mihratsiya ta reemihratsiya v konteksti natsional'noyi bezpeky Ukrayiny [Foreign labor migration and re-emigration in the context of national security of Ukraine]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 82(4), 22-30. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 17

Modern features of migration processes are considered in the context of Ukraine’s participation in European and global migration space. If labor migration processes are spontaneous, situational and unsystematic, they are unable to adequately level migration risks and generate other benefits. Thus, labor re-emigration should be included into the focus of state policy priorities ? both social and economic, especially for those societies marked by increased migration activity.
Research topic is particularly relevant today because of reformatting of Ukrainian migration movements. The article highlighted the increasing number of internally displaced persons as a result of Crimea annexation and the armed conflict in the Donbass. The author focuses on the problems of resettlement and employment of internally displaced persons.
Analysis of domestic and foreign statistical information shows the change in the direction of external labor migration and increase of the number of Ukrainian migrants in the EU.
Target programs with clearly defined priorities of regulations, expected results, responsible institutions, financial and logistical support should be the basis for the formation of regional systems of labor migration and re-emigration. The article presents analysis of stimulating re-emigration in other states. Herewith, it is possible to follow the practice of other countries, but we should remember that there is no country in the world in which the complex of cultural, natural, political and economic conditions would be identical to another one.
The main tasks of modern effective migration policy should be: resettlement and employment of internally displaced persons; agreements on employment of citizens and their social protection of Ukrainian migrant recipients countries; introduction of a comprehensive state program regulating migration processes of division of powers and responsibilities of central government and local authorities; reduction of the scale of illegal labor migration; creating effective mechanisms to legalize income workers; measures to resolve the educational migration. 
external migrations, re-emigration, internally displaced persons, foreign labour migrations, migratory threats, force to national safety, migratory calls, public migratory policy 


Romanyuk, M. D. (2009). Mihratsiyni determinanty natsional’noyi bezpeky Ukrainy: teoretyko-metodolohichni ta praktychni aspekty [Migration determinants of national security of Ukraine: Theoretical, methodological and practical aspects]. Demohrafiya ta sotsial’na ekonomika – Demography and Social Economy, 11(1), 50-60. Institute for Demography and Social Studies n.a. M.V. Ptukha NAS of Ukraine. [in Ukrainian]. {re2016.04.022.005}

Romanyuk, M. D. (2015). Mihratsiyni zahrozy natsionalʹni bezpetsi Ukrayiny: suchasni vyklyky, problemy podolannya [Migratory threats for national security of Ukraine: Modern challenges, problems of overcoming]. Demohrafiya ta sotsial’na ekonomika – Demography and Social Economy, 25(3), 99-111. [in Ukrainian]. {re2016.04.022.008}

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