Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Romanyuk Serhiy Andriyovych

Romanyuk Serhiy Andriyovych

Doctor of Economics, Professor

Director of Institute of the Institute "Higher School of Public Administration" of the National Academy of Public Administration



Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 332.021:338.244.47, JEL O18, R13
Romanyuk, S. A. (2016). Rehional'nyy rozvytok i detsentralizatsiya: teoretychni ta praktychni aspekty [Regional development and decentralization: theoretical and practical aspects]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 81(3), 10-18. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 14

The article is devoted to examining of theoretical and practical aspects of introducing decentralization under current regional development conditions, which are characterized by territorial economic concentration. Globalization substantially influences regional development by concentrating it within certain areas, increasing the role of large cities in territorial concentration of economic activity. At the same time concentration processes are accompanied by unevenness, which leads to sharpening of territorial social and economic disparities and territorial inequalities in population and businesses’ access to various services. Recognizing the trends that define modern paradigms of regional development is extremely important for creating state regional policy that is adequate to challenges mentioned above and that must constantly adapt to conditions of changes in regional processes. Considering decentralization, which started in Ukraine two years ago, the problem of its combination with creation of adequate conditions for regional and local development becomes especially urgent. It is important to recognize the interconnection between the institutes like state and territorial community (administrative-based consolidation of communities) in order to form conditions of country development, which always act as complementary forms of organization; their relative balance and interaction create potential for development of each area. Turbulence of this balance occurs constantly, with different intensity, and influences medium-term and long-term perspective of territorial development for different scales. Principles, according to which decentralization is to be implemented, must be defined by tasks of state and communities that are related to formation of development conditions, increasing welfare of citizens. It seems impossible to define clearly the authorities for each territorial level of central and local bodies of power and local governments because, excluding very limited range of public services with insignificant economies of scale, both local and national governments always take part in their provision even after radical decentralization. For now, at first, there are insufficient conditions in Ukraine for implementing cardinal decentralization because of sluggishness of reforms aimed at strengthening of the institute of state; secondly, there is no clear development model for state and its institutes. It is important to realize the extent and speed of transformations in the decentralization dimensions – administrative, economic, political and fiscal (budgetary), how they must be combined, how reasonable it is to implement the reforms simultaneously. It is the optimal proportion of centralization and decentralization, usage of different types and forms of decentralization that is the most appropriate in current conditions that would secure the country from too high policy risks. 
regional development, economic concentration, unevenness of development, inequalities in access to services, decentralization 

Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 332:511.315
Romaniuk, S. A. (2013). Ekonomichna shchil'nist' yak indykator terytorial'noyi kontsentratsiyi ekonomiky [Economic Density as an Indicator of Territorial Concentration of the Economy]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 68(2), 7-14. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 6

The analysis of the methodology of economic density indicators application provided in the report of the World Bank «Reshaping Economic Geography. World development report 2009» is conducted. The formula for determining the relationship between indicators of gross output, economic density and population density is proposed. 
economic density, population density, concentration of economic activity, GRP per capita 


Romanyuk, S. A. (2013). Rozvytok rehioniv u vidkrytiy ekonomitsi: teoriya, polityka, praktyka [Development of regions in an open economy: theory, policy, practice]. Kyiv: National Academy of Public Administration. [in Ukrainian]. {re2019.01.014.005}

Romanyuk, S. A. (2018). Detsentralizatsiya: teoriya ta praktyka zastosuvannya [Decentralization: application theory and practice]. Kyiv. [in Ukrainian]. {re2019.03.115.021}

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