Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Rybak Yaroslav Yaroslavovych

Rybak Yaroslav Yaroslavovych

Junior Researcher of the Department of entrepreneurship, cooperation and agriindustrial integration of the National Scientific Center "Institute of Agricultural Economics" of National Agrarian Academy of Sciences of Ukraine




Korinets' Roman Yaroslavovych


Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 631.115.8:37.035.91
Korinets, R. Y., & Rybak, Y. Y. (2014). Otsinka perspektyv zaluchennya molodi do sil's'kohospodars'koyi obsluhovuyuchoyi kooperatsiyi [Evaluation of perspectives for attracting youth to the agricultural servicing cooperation]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 74(4), 155-163. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 9

This article is dedicated to the study of the attitude of young people to agricultural service cooperatives, their readiness for participation in the cooperative movement, as according to the authors point of view, this type of cooperation will be perspective just in case of the participation of young citizens in its formation and development. They confirm this idea with the words of UN Secretary-General on the necessity of involvement of young people to the cooperation as valuable partner in strengthening it. The aim of the article is to illustrate the problems of cooperative education, to determine the level of cooperative awareness among young people, students, and to develop ways to improve it. The peculiarity of this article is the studying of the use of authentic problems of information provision for agricultural service cooperatives conducted by the National Association of Agricultural Advisory Services of Ukraine. Here is made the analysis of the level of awareness of young people in the cooperative sector, determined the level of support they provide cooperative movement, formed the most active educator ranking among the rural population, made the analysis of the effect of different information channels for students and youth in general. Attention is focused on the issue of transfering of information and experience from rural residents to young people. It is also substantiated the necessity of strengthening the educational work among young people for the future of agricultural service cooperatives. Here are suggested the directions and mechanisms of these activities: institutional frameworks; partnership between research and educational institutions, government organizations and cooperatives; wider and aimed involvement of agricultural extension services, international technical assistance projects; creation of specialized information channels oriented on youth - online school, online university; activation of cooperative organizations to work with young people etc. The authors suggest that such a partnership in the development of agricultural service cooperatives can be formed if the rural youth clearly realize the mission of cooperation. The research shows that nowadays very little attention is paid to cooperative education namely in agricultural institution. Also attention should be payed to young people and students by agricultural extension services, as their activities are primarily focused on rural communities. In this case, the information provided is not transferred to the younger generation through his massive urbanization. The authors conclude that in Ukraine not enough attention is paid to the cooperative educating of young people and they make suggestions of enhancing these activities to ensure conscious choices of youth and students in favor of cooperation. 
agricultural service cooperative, cooperative education, youth, students, informational maintenance 

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