Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Ryhaylo Svyatoslava Yakivna

Ryhaylo Svyatoslava Yakivna

Leading Engineer of the Western Scientific Center of the NAS of Ukraine and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine


Zynyuk Oleh Dmytrovych


Repository of Institute of Regional Research Ryhailo, S. Ya., & Zyniuk, O. D. (2010). Rehional'ni osoblyvosti naukovo-tekhnichnoho potentsialu Ukrayiny v konteksti staloho rozvytku [Regional Peculiarities of Ukrainian Scientific-Technical Potential in the Context of Sustainable Development]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 58(4), 171-177. [in Ukrainian]. 

Indexes of the region’s scientific-technical potential are proposed on the basis of indicators, which take into account the number of researchers, the structure of financing of scientific research and its results. Regional peculiarities of the components of Ukrainian scientific-technical potential are investigated. The degree of correspondence of scientific-technical potential in Ukrainian regions to the indicators of stability is estimated. 
scientific-technical development, sustainable development, features of a stable system, indicators, integral index 

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Zynyuk, O. D., & Rygaylo, S. Ya. (2009). Osoblyvosti haluzevoyi struktury naukovykh kadriv vyshchoyi kvalifikatsiyi Zakhidnoho rehionu Ukrayiny [Features of the Branch Structure of Scientific Personnel of a Higher Qualification of the Western Region of Ukraine]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 54(4), 246 p. [in Ukrainian]. 

Analysis of the branch structure of scientific personnel with the degree of a Doctor or Candidate of science in the Western Region of Ukraine has been carried out and difference in the structure in comparison with Ukraine on the whole and the EU has been shown. Specialities clusters in the region which are mostly by represented by specialists of a higher qualification have been determined. A level of coordination between a supply of branches of science with personnel of a higher qualification in the Lviv Region and their preparation through post-graduate courses has been estimated. The correspondence of the structure of specialists with a scientific degree to priority directions of the scientific-technological development has been analyzed. 
scientific personnel, branch structure, specialities clusters, location indexes, post-graduate courses 

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Rygaylo, S. Ya., & Zynyuk, O. D. (2008). Analiz kadrovoyi ta material'no-tekhnichnoyi skladovykh naukovo-tekhnichnoho potentsialu Zakhidnoho rehionu Ukrayiny [Analysis of the Staff and Material-Technical Constituents of the Scientific-Technical Potential of the Western Region of Ukraine]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 50(4), 215-222. [in Ukrainian]. 

A comparative analysis of the staff and material-technical constituents of the scientific-technical potential of the Western region of Ukraine has been carried out. Scientific schools in the academic establishments of the region are identified on the basis of the chosen criteria. The data of the development of the scientific-technical sphere of the Western region of Ukraine and countries of the EU have been compared. 
scientific-technical potential, scientific staff, material- technical basis, scientific school, branch structure 

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