Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Rysin Vitaliy Vasylyovych

Rysin Vitaliy Vasylyovych

Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor

Deputy Director, Professor of the Department of finance of the Faculty of Finance, Economics and Accounting of the Lviv Institute of the University of Banking




Rysin Mariya Vitaliyivna


Repository of Institute of Regional Research Rysin, V. V. (2010). Zmina priorytetiv depozytnoyi polityky bankiv vidnosno domohospodarstv: tendentsiyi 2008-2009 rr. [Modification of Banks Deposit Policy Priorities on Households: Trends in 2008-2009]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 56(2), 93-99. [in Ukrainian]. 

The features of banks deposit policy realization in Ukraine in financial crisis conditions during 2008-2009 are described. The volume and dynamics of household deposits in banks are analyzed and the problems of deposit attraction and factors, which affect this process, are shown. The ways of banks deposit policy improving in postcrisis period are recommended. 
banks, household deposits, financial crisis, deposit policy 

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Rysin, V. V. (2009). Skladovi elementy efektyvnoyi resursnoyi polityky komertsiynoho banku [Components of Commercial Bank’s Effective Resource Policy]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 53(3), 264 p. [in Ukrainian]. 

The essence of bank’s resource policy has been considered, its division into accumulation and capital formation policy has been substantiated, the components of resource policy such as deposit policy, policy of capitalization, borrowing policy, credit and investment policy are described. The problems of Ukrainian banks' resource policy realization in the condition of financial crisis have been determined. 
banks, bank resource policy, deposit policy, credit policy, financial crisis 

Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 336.763.34:332.8(477)
Rysin, V. V., & Rysin, M. V. (2008). Rehional'ni osoblyvosti dovhostrokovoho bankivs'koho kredytuvannya (na prykladi L'vivs'koyi oblasti) [Regional Features of Bank’s Long-Term Crediting (by the Example of Lviv Region)]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 48(2), 159-167. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 5

The structure of Lviv region banking sector has been described, the estimation of long-term loans volume and dynamics during 2000-2007 years has been carried out, and main trends of long-term bank crediting development in the region have been determined. 
banks, region, long-term loans, interest rates 

Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 336.71:336.722.11
Rysin, V. V. (2008). Transformatsiyna funktsiya bankiv u protsesi realizatsiyi yikh resursnoyi polityky [Transformational Function of Banks in the Processes of Realization their Resource Policy]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 47(1), 139-145. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 12

The theoretical approaches to determination of banks transformational function essence and particular qualities of its manifestation in modern banking business have been considered. The significance of resource policy in the management of bank resources transformation process have been determined. 
banks, bank resources, transformation of resources, resource policy 

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