Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Samofatova Viktoriya Anatoliyivna

Samofatova Viktoriya Anatoliyivna

Ph.D. of Economics, Associate Professor

Doctoral Postgraduate of the Department of economics of industry of the Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies




Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 332.135:[338.43:664.76](477.7); JEL O13, Q01, R11
Samofatova, V. A. (2017). Formuvannya zernovoho klasteru yak peredumova staloho rozvytku ahroprodovol'choyi sfery Pivdennoho rehionu [Forming of a grain cluster as an prerequisite for sustainable development in the agri-food sphere of the Southern region]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 83(1), 30-37. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 11

The article discusses peculiarities and consequences of the creation of a grain cluster in the Southern region of Ukraine. It is indicated that Ukraine is a leading exporter of grain. The natural resources potential of the Southern region of Ukraine is characterized as a basis for the development of a grain processing complex. The article aims to analyze the opportunities and formation of the conceptual scheme of grain cluster creation in the Southern region as a promising booster of sustainable development in the agri-food sphere. The methodology is based on a systematic approach and theoretical generalizations of researchers’ works regarding cluster development in agri-food sphere, analysis and synthesis in order to form a generalized scheme of the regional grain cluster, and SWOT-analysis. Significant educational and research potential of the region is shown. It is noted that sustainable development of the agri-food sphere of the region should aim at a balanced solution of ecological and socio-economic problems, while avoiding the destruction and depletion of natural resources, and at preservation and improvement of favorable environmental needs of present and future generations for high quality ecologically safe food products. The conceptual framework and the scheme of grain cluster formation in the agrarian sphere of the Southern region are outlined. SWOT-analysis of possibilities of grain cluster formation in the Southern region is conducted. It is concluded that the creation of a grain cluster in the Southern region will create a stable economic tie between individual participants and active cooperation between the regional authorities, specialized educational, research and business structures in the grain processing complex. It will also help to eliminate the shortage of raw materials for processing enterprises and shorten the cycle of innovation within the industry. It is shown that the establishment of a regional grain cluster will contribute to the sustainable development of the agri-food sphere of the region. The author believes that special attention must be paid to the development of a mechanism for the establishment and functioning of clusters and to assessment of the possibility of creating clusters in other leading sectors of the agri-food sphere of the region as well as diversified clusters. 
grain cluster, Southern region, agri-food sphere, sustainable development, SWOT-analysis 


Samofatova, V. A. (2016). Stalyy rozvytok ahroprodovol’choyi sfery rehionu na osnovi klasternoho pidkhodu [Sustainable development of the agri-food sphere of the region on the cluster approach]. Ekonomika kharchovoyi promyslovosti – Economy of Food Industry, 4(8), 10–14. [in Ukrainian]. {re2017.01.030.009}

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