Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Sember Stepan Vasylyovych

Sember Stepan Vasylyovych

Ph.D. of Economics, Associate Professor

Associate Professor of the Department of banking of the Uzhhorod National University; Director of the Transcarpathian Regional Centre for Socio-Economic and Humanities Research of NAS of Ukraine




Mashiko Kateryna Serhiyivna

Ryabak Myroslava Ivanivna

Chubar' Oksana Hennadiyivna


Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 332.1:336.6
Sember, S. V., Chubar, O. H., & Mashiko, K. S. (2015). Teoretychni pidkhody do vyznachennya sutnosti finansovoyi spromozhnosti ta finansovykh resursiv terytorial'noyi hromady [Theoretical approaches to defining the essence of community’s financial capability and resources]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 77(3). [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 25

The article is focused on exploring the financial capability and financial resources of the community. Various resources that discuss theoretical aspects of capability and its types have been reviewed; that helped us to outline the community’s financial capability as a complex figure that consists of financial and budget capabilities of general context. Budget capability depicts community’s ability to use money resources of local budget income to conduct its current authorities. The financial capability is the ability to finance the whole specter of social and economical tasks of community with help of not only funds of the community but also other incoming money flows, which might be spent on different purposes of social and economical development of the community in general and for the benefit of other people who inhabit the territory. Modern governmental and parliamentary regulations in development of local authority and decentralization, Methodology of formation of capable communities approved by The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine in particular, updated the issues of financial capability and financial resources of the community. Capable communities can only be formed based on financial supply of relative administrative territories. Capability passport contains the calculations of incomes of the community, including basic and reversal subsidies made up according to the paragraph 64 of The Budget Code of Ukraine. The basement of the financial capability of the community is made of financial resources – the amount of funds that are created in process of GDP allocation. These funds are spent on economical and social development of administrative units. Traditionally, local financial resources include: local budgets, financial funds of enterprises, organizations, and institutions of common ownership. The article elaborates approaches in defining the meaning and composition of community’s financial resources that include funds of local authority, enterprises and organizations of different ownership, citizens, and funds attracted via stock market and banking system. More criteria of classification of financial resources of the community have been outlined. Consequently, 9 final criteria have been mentioned. This will allow structuring these resources as well as finding and justifying new possibilities to increase the amount of financial resources on the community level. Researchers stress that when assessing the financial capability it’s necessary to take into account both resources of local budgets and other financial resources that are created within the community or attracted to one (financial resources of people and enterprises. 
financial capability of the community, budget capacity, financial capacity of businesses and households, financial resources, local budgets 

Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 331.522.4
Sember, S. V., Mashiko, K. S., & Ryabak, M. I. (2014). Osoblyvosti vidtvorennya trudovoho potentsialu priorytetnykh vydiv ekonomichnoyi diyal'nosti Zakarpats'koyi oblasti [Features of reproduction the labor potential of priority economic activities in Transcarpathian region]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 74(4), 107-116. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 5

Elaboration the instruments of the regulation and the impact on the labor potential is particularly relevant in the context of administrative and territorial reform. New challenges will be posed to regional authorities, which should be required to provide scientifcally grounded sustainable human development in different areas. The purpose of the study is to identify the features of reproduction processes associated with labor potential in priority economic activities of Zakarpattya region and to establish the perspective policy directions for their improvement. To achieve this goal the following methods of research were applied: economic and statistical analysis, synthesis, expert surveys, causal relationships, grouping. Characteristics of the labor potential reproduction in priority economic activities of Zakarpattya region (agriculture, forestry and logging, production of food, beverages and tobacco products, woodworking, engineering, tourism) are researched in the article. Authors analyzed the main parameters and conditions of formation, distribution, realization and preservation of labor potential in priority regional economic activities in the following areas: number of employees; age structure; the fuidity of companies’ human resources; educational level of employees; system of vocational education and training for economic activities; companies’ activity of human resources development; salary level; labor productivity; correlation between changes in real wages and labor productivity; working conditions; sectoral factors of strongest infuence on the number of employees; the businesses’ assessment the problems with the formation training and learning of human resources. Analysis of these components was based on: data of statistics agencies for 2005-2013 years; expert survey conducted in November and December 2013 in all districts and cities of regional importance of Zakarpattya region among businesses of priority economic activities, local authorities and nongovernmental organizations; research of the educational system. The main results of the study demonstrated that: the number of employees is reducing but productivity is increasing; working conditions are improving; level of staff turnover is high; educational level of employees is still despite its’ improving; there are no stable trends towards rejuvenation of personnel; salary level is raising but remains below the average in the region; activity of enterprises to develop the employment potential is low. The article outlines recommendations for improving regional policy of labor potential development. 

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