Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Shchuryk Mykhaylo Vasylyovych

Shchuryk Mykhaylo Vasylyovych

Doctor of Economics, Professor

Vice-Rector for Research and International Relations, Head of the Department of finance of the Ivano-Frankivsk University of Law n.a. King Danylo Galytskyi



Repository of Institute of Regional Research Shchuryk, M. V. (2009). Vidtvorennya zemel'nykh resursiv Karpats'koho makrorehionu na zasadakh staloho rozvytku [Recreation of the Land Resources of the Carpathian Macroregion on the Principles of Sustainable Development]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 54(4), 246 p. [in Ukrainian]. 

Necessity of organization of the process of reproduction of the land resources of agrarian sector of the Carpathian macroregion on principles of sustainable development has been substantiated. The state and present level of the use, maintenance, improvement and protection of agricultural lands in accordance with the priorities proclaimed by the international community have been studied. The necessity of the strengthening of addressness and awareness, which touches the mechanism of implementation of formative basis principles of the use of lands through the prism of decision of triune task, has been elucidated: improvement of ecology, increase of economic efficiency and proper decision of social package of problems. 
economy, ecology, social medium, financing, transformation, reproduction, maintenance 

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