Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Skoryk Olha Vasylivna

Skoryk Olha Vasylivna

Postgraduate of the Department of international economic relations of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv



Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 339.5
Skoryk, O. V. (2014). Osoblyvosti funktsionuvannya rehional'nykh lohistychnykh tsentriv i kompaniy Ukrayiny [Features of the functioning of regional logistics centers and companies in Ukraine]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 72(2), 200-206. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 13

Regional and international logistics has become increasingly important and powerful tool as a precondition for the functioning of global logistics. Regional Logistics is a structural element of international logistics, and also some of its direction. Regional Logistics provides management and optimization of logistics flows at the level of individual players in the region. The level of development of logistics infrastructure in the region directly depends on the effective functioning of logistics companies and centers, as well as the quality of their logistics services. The most effective way to implement a successful logistics activity related to granting high-quality logistics services in the region is the interaction of structural elements of the logistics infrastructure: clusters complexes, centers and businesses. The main problem of logistic in Ukraine is the low level of integration of transport and logistics systems in international transport and logistics systems. The first step to solve this problem is to ensure the effective functioning of the regional logistics.

In order to determine the place of the regional logistics in the context of globalization of logistics activities is to drawn attention to the theoretical bases of classification of logistics systems, taking into consideration its implementation on various grounds. Based on the institutional approach it is selected macrologistics, mezologistics, metalogistics and micrologistics systems.

Article deals with the concept of “regional logistics” and “regional logistics system”. Classified the logistics systems based on the institutional approach and investigated its most basic elements. We conduct the overview and comparison of the level of Volyn, Lviv and Transcarpathia region logistics infrastructure and characterize the activities of leading companies in the individual regions, showed the tendency of benefits of demand for logistics services provided by foreign companies (DHL, Fedex, Raben, UPS) over the domestic companies. The estimation of efficiency of logistics facilities and centers in the Western region is given. Solution is proposed to the problem of inefficiency and imperfection of the existing logistics infrastructure through interaction and creation of logistics cluster centers and the companies that would greatly improve the provision of logistics services and optimize not only logistical flows within the region as well as in terms of international logistics.

Characteristics of the logistics infrastructure of three regions of Western Ukraine enables to conclude that the most developed is the Lviv region as on its territory operates valuable logistics centers. However, it should be noted that they are not perfect and can not be called as an European model logistics complex. 

global logistics, regional logistics, logistics centers, logistics infrastructure, transportation corridors, industrial parks 

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