Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Sobkevych Oksana Volodymyrivna

Sobkevych Oksana Volodymyrivna

Doctor of Economics, Senior Researcher

Head of the Department of security of the real sector of the economy of the National Institute of Strategic Studies in Ukraine




Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 351.863(477):330.341.1:332.14
Sobkevych, O. V. (2015). Zmitsnennya ekonomichnoyi bezpeky derzhavy na zasadakh vidbudovy innovatsiynoho potentsialu industrial'noho kompleksu skhodu Ukrayiny [Strengthening of economic security of the state by the reconstruction of innovative potential of industrial complex in the east of Ukraine]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 76(2), 144-152. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 25

The hostilities on the east of Ukraine strikes a hard blow to the economy of Donbas region which negatively influences on the macroeconomic indicators in the whole country causing a critical increase in the level of threats to economic security of the state. The restoration of former industrial structure of Donbas region seems inadvisable because it has too much deep imbalances, associated with raw materials bias of production, large-scale destruction of industrial infrastructure and supply chains on a national scale. Development of industrial potential should occur on an entirely new level through the development of high-tech, knowledge-intensive and energy-efficient industrial complex that will allow to confidently overcome the consequences of the economic crisis and war, to lay the foundation for growth for the future and strengthen the economic security of the state. The goal of this article is the implementation of the assessment of the extent of losses of an industrial complex of Eastern Ukraine as a result of the hostilities. The directions of development of industrial potential of the country on innovative principles for strengthening of economic the security of the state are substantiated. Purposeful destruction of a number of industrial facilities in Donbas severely aggravates the socio-economic situation not only in the eastern regions and deals strikes the whole economy of Ukraine. Thus, in January-April of 2015, the decline in production in the industry of Ukraine was 21.5% compared with the corresponding period of 2014. Development of industrial potential of the east region requires preparation of the State target program of socio-economic development of Donetsk and Lugansk regions, which should take into account the needs and priorities of Donbas. Financing of Program should be maximally diversified and should provide investment incentives to attract investments in the industrial Donbas region in the form of tax, financial, institutional mechanisms, simplification of licensing procedures, the implementation of other effective instruments of public regulator policy. In the case of a lot of tasks, capital-intensiveness and a long time period that are necessary for a realization of projects, the financial support of countries-donors and international financial organizations for development of new industrial objects and transport infrastructure in the east of Ukraine will be the most viable source of investments. The measures for the development of industrial complex of Donbas region should be aimed to proceeding in work of existent productions, the implementation of structural modernization of production capacities, diversification of exports and the expansion of its domestic consumption, as well as structural modernization of production facilities through the development of high-tech, knowledge-intensive and energy-efficient industrial complex. 
economic security of the state, innovative potential, industrial complex, industrial policy, Donbas region 


Sobkevych, O. V., Shevchenko, A. V, Mykhaylychenko, K. M., Rusan, V. M., & Belashov, E. V., et all. (2017). Real’nyy sektor ekonomiky Ukrayiny: priorytety rozvytku v umovakh zminy vektora ekonomichnoyi polityky [The real sector of Ukraine’s economy: the development priorities in the context of changing the economic policy vector]: Analytical report. Kiev: NISD. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian]. {re2019.02.056.002}

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