Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Stechenko Dmytro Mykolayovych

Stechenko Dmytro Mykolayovych

Doctor of Economics, Professor

Professor of the Department of international economics of the National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”




Bezuhlyy Ihor Volodymyrovych


Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 338.46
Stechenko, D. M., & Bezuglyy, I. V. (2014). Imperatyv derzhavno-pryvatnoho partnerstva v rekreatsiyno-turystychniy sferi Ukrayiny [Imperative of public-private partnership in the field of recreation and tourism in Ukraine]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 74(4), 136-146. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 14

Activation of public-private partnership requires the definition of organizational forms and analytical tools for their implementation. Purpose - to examine the main forms, tools, targets a public-private partnership in tourism and recreation field, describe the main organizational forms and provide recommendations for their implementation, identify the main methods of adapting the project approach to enhance the process of publicprivate partnerships in the recreation and tourism sector. Synthesis method used to determine the main directions of development and implementation of public-private partnerships, methods of forming hotel chains. The method used to create similar definitions of the terms “form” and “tools” intensify public-private partnership. Method comparison - to compare the number of completed projects in the areas of implementation. Deals with international experience in the use of public-private partnerships in the recreation and tourism sector. The basic forms of realization of the concept of public-private partnerships in recreation and tourism sector. In the form of public-private partnership refers generalized examples interaction authorities and private partners, which are used to meet community needs. Among these forms: joint venture, special economic zones, national projects, concession, lease, privatization, contract management of state and municipal property. The main factors that affect the low level of public-private partnership: the excessive financial and administrative centralization, the constant change of management personnel, trained to offer small projects. The main areas of public-private partnerships: developing marketing strategies for sales promotion services in neighboring countries, expanding the range of services, creation of rural tourism and hotel chains. Development of public-private partnership should be based on the methodology of project management. But its practical implementation in the field of recreation and tourism Ukraine requires adaptation of project management tools. Addressing this research is related to the specific design of the approach. To determine the cost-effectiveness of projects proposed to use statistical and economic analysis, formalization, methods of vector algebra, project analysis, investment analysis. To control the working group - collective decision-making methods, including expert, Delphi, brainstorming. Public-private partnership is able to enhance the socio-economic processes in the recreation and tourism sector. To increase the number of investment projects that can be offered for private partners, it is advisable to create specialized units in government, involvement in these processes of higher education institutions, social organizations and the formation of state order to develop investment proposals. 
public-private partnerships in recreation and tourism sector, public-private partnerships, project approach, methods of hotel chains forming 

Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 338.48
Stechenko, D. M., & Bezugly, I. V. (2013). Naukovi aspekty udoskonalennya orhanizatsiyno-ekonomichnoho mekhanizmu rehulyuvannya sfery nadannya rekreatsiyno-turystychnykh posluh [Scientific Aspects of Improvement of Organizational-Economic Mechanism of Regulation Sphere of the Provision of Recreation and Tourism Services]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 70(4), 157-166. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 17

The definition of organizational-economic mechanism of regulation sector of the provision of recreation and tourism services is formulated. Practical problems of its implementation are determined. Expediency implementation of security standards of territory by objects of recreation and tourism infrastructure is grounded. The main directions of the development of urban standards for the needs of recreation and tourism sector are defined. The basic functions of organizational-economic mechanism of regulation of the provision of recreation and tourism services and methods to implement them are disclosed. 
organizational and economic mechanism, recreation and tourism services, functions of organizational and economic mechanism, standards of provision in infrastructure objects 

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Stechenko, D. M., & Bezuglyi, I. V. (2010). Alhorytm vyznachennya stratehichnykh tsiley rozvytku rehional'noyi rekreatsiyno-turystychnoyi systemy [The Algorithm of Determination of Strategic Targets of the Regional Recreation and Tourist System Development]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 55(1), 24-31. [in Ukrainian]. 

The multilevel model of forming of regional recreation and tourist system’s ecological and economic development strategy is offered. The existing determinations of the term “strategy” are summarized and the author’s interpretation is provided. The target tree of the strategy of ecological and economic development of regional recreational and tourist system is presented. The ranking of strategic targets for different types of administrative districts of Chernigiv region is outlined. 
strategy of ecological and economic development, regional recreational and tourist system, ranking, strategic targets 

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Stechenko, D. M., & Bezugly, I. V. (2008). Kontseptual'ni zasady vykorystannya systemnoho pidkhodu u doslidzhennyakh rekreatsiyno-turystychnoho pryrodokorystuvannya [Conceptual Bases of the Use of the System Approach in Study of Recreation-Tourist Nature Management]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 50(4), 72-80. [in Ukrainian]. 

The methodological questions of the use of approach of the systems are examined in researches of recreation-tourist sphere. Attention is accented on two directions of the use of the system approach: synthesis of the scientific methods of the study and formation of a complicated way-organized objects. Main positions to author’s interpretation of regional recreation-tourist system have been presented. 
system approach, regional recreation-tourist system, interpretation, nature management, scientific methods 

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