Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Vakhovych Iryna Mykhaylivna

Vakhovych Iryna Mykhaylivna

Doctor of Economics, Professor

Head of the Department of finance, banking and insurance of the Lutsk National Technical University




Herasymchuk Zoryana Viktorivna

Dorosh Viktoriya Yuriyivna

Zabedyuk Myroslava Serhiyivna

Kamins'ka Diana Volodymyrivna

Kamins'ka Iryna Mykolayivna

Malimon Viktoriya Vyacheslavivna


Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 330.14:332.13(477); JEL G21, R11, R58
Vakhovych, I. M., Kaminska, I. M., Dorosh, V. Yu., & Kaminska, D. V. (2018). Stratehichni oriyentyry kapitalizatsiyi ekonomik rehioniv Ukrayiny [Strategic guidelines of economies’ capitalization in the regions of Ukraine]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 90 (4), 49-55. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].

Capitalization is a top-priority process in ensuring the development of the economy in the leading countries of the world. But, in the strategy and policy of development of the economy of Ukraine and its regions, unfortunately, there is no clear line of action and systematic measures in the direction of capitalization of various forms of capital in the economy. However, only the well-grounded strategy of capitalization of economies of the regions of Ukraine is capable to overcome the set of economic and social problems in our country. The purpose of this article is to substantiate the strategic guidelines of capitalization of the economies of the regions of Ukraine. The methodological base of the research was the developments of economic science according to the study of national economics, regional development, regional economy and capitalization. The objective necessity and urgency of increasing the level of capitalization of the economies of regions of Ukraine is substantiated. The typology of capitalization of the economies of the regions of the state is developed according to the levels of intensity of such processes as accumulation of capital, investment of capital, creation and distribution of added value, which determine and comprehensively characterize the capitalization of the region’s economy. Differentiated approach to the development of strategic guidelines of capitalization of the economies of the regions of Ukraine which is based on the type and level of capitalization of the economy of each of them is proposed. Differentiated approach allows to take into account the initial conditions (the intensity of processes of capital accumulation, the intensity of capital investment processes, the intensity of the processes of creation of added value and optimal distribution of it) and individual needs of the region and purposefully ensure the capitalization of strengths and overcome the weaknesses of development of economies of the regions. The strategic guidelines of capitalization of the economies of each region of Ukraine are determined, in particular, for the city of Kyiv – maintaining the achieved level of capitalization of the region’s economy and its enhancement; for Dnipropetrovsk Oblast – region’s economy restructuring; for Kyiv Oblast – efficiency of the formation and usage of capital; for the other regions of Ukraine – budget supporting, identification of potential sources of the capital and their effective usage. The key dominants of strategic guidelines of capitalization of the economies of the regions of Ukraine are considered. The conducted research allows to choose the most acceptable strategic guideline of capitalization of the economy to everyone regions of Ukraine. The capitalization of the economies of the regions of Ukraine contributes to the capitalization of national economics and to the increasing the level of its competitiveness. 
capitalization, regional economics, strategic guidelines, capital of region, capital accumulation, capital investment, creation and distribution of value added 

Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC [338.48:61]:379.137:330.341.1; JEL R10, R19
Vakhovych, I. M., Zabedyuk, M. S., & Malimon, V. V. (2018). Innovatsiyni tekhnolohiyi u zabezpechenni konkurentospromozhnosti rehional'noho rynku medychnoho turyzmu [Innovative technologies in ensuring the competitiveness of the regional market of medical tourism]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 88 (2), 24-31. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 5

In the article the features of implementation of innovative technologies in various spheres of economic activity are considered. The typology of innovations at the regional market of medical tourism (RMMT) is done, which provides selection of innovations by the content, time (reason) of entering the market, the subject of development. On this basis the priorities of their implementation in such a market are substantiated and detailed by the stages of the provision of services (stages of attracting tourists, servicing tourists, provision of medical services and provision of additional tourist services). The schematic representation of the priority of innovations generating at the RMMT is outlined, which will allow it to be established and developed in the regions of Ukraine. The process of creation and commercialization of innovations in the medical sphere at the RMMT is given. 
innovations, innovative technologies, regional market, medical tourism, medical sphere, tourist services 

Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 332.1:336:330.3
Herasymchuk, Z. V., & Vakhovych, I. M. (2008). Rehional'na polityka finansovoho zabezpechennya staloho rozvytku [Regional Policy of Financial Providing of Sustainable Development]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 48(2), 59-72. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 6

Theoretical–methodological substantiation of essence and value of regional policy of financial providing of sustainable development has been presented. Types of such policy and mechanisms of its realization have been determined. 
types of regional policy, regional policy of financial providing of sustainable development 


Vakhovych, I. M., & Chapyuk, O. P. (2016). Rehional’nyy vymir kapitalizatsiyi ekonomiky: pytannya naroshchennya, investuvannya ta rozpodilu [The regional dimension of capitalization of the economy: issues of build-up, investment and distribution]. Lutsk: Volynpolygraph [in Ukrainian]. {re2018.04.049.001}

Vakhovych, I. M., Kaminska, I. M., Dorosh, V. Yu., & Kaminska, D. V. (2018). Analiz ta otsinka rivnya kapitalizatsiyi ekonomik rehioniv Ukrayiny [Analysis and estimation of the level of capitalization of the economies of the regions of Ukraine]. Ekonomichnyy forum – Economic Forum, 4. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian]. {re2018.04.049.007}

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