Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Vasylchyshyn Oleksandra Bohdanivna

Vasylchyshyn Oleksandra Bohdanivna

Ph.D. of Economics, Associate Professor

Doctoral Postgraduate of the Department of taxes and fiscal policy of the Faculty of Finance of the Ternopil National Economic University




Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 336.71/.72, JEL E62, G21
Vasylchyshyn, O. B. (2016). Analiz nayavnykh modeley otsinky finansovoyi bezpeky bankiv i bankivs'koyi systemy i napryamy yikh udoskonalennya [Analysis of existing models of banks and banking system financial security evaluation and directions of their improvement]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 80(2), 156-164. [in Ukrainian].

The article outlines existing models and methods of evaluation of banks and banking system financial security, defines major shortcomings of building of the models and suggests methodic approach to forming of the system of indicators selection in order to evaluate banks’ financial security. The article aims to analyze existing models, methods and approaches to evaluation of financial security of banks and banking system and to form methodical and practical recommendations over their improvement taking into consideration the consequences of crisis phenomena and hybrid war in Ukraine. Research methods: analogies and comparisons (when analyzing the models of evaluation of banks and banking system financial security), analysis, synthesis and generalization (when analyzing the indicators of evaluation of banking system security), systemic approach (when developing the methodic approach to constructing the system of selection of financial security evaluation indicators). Major research results: The system of selection of banks and banking system financial security indicators was developed on the basis of conducted analysis of existing models of banks’ financial security evaluation. Four new indicators of evaluation of national banking system financial security level were outlined taking into account the analysis of reasons of crisis phenomena emergence in the economy and the methods of conducting the hybrid war against Ukraine. These indicators are the following: indicator of banking system capital concentration in foreign banks, in particular in state banks of Russian Federation; share of cash in money supply and share of foreign cash in cash flow; indicator of credit default swap dynamics in Ukraine. 
inancial security of banks and banking system, banking activity security, model, method, parameters, indicators 

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