Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Von-Romanov-Krispin Oleh Olehovych

Von-Romanov-Krispin Oleh Olehovych

Ph.D. of Economics

Postgraduate of the Department of banking of the Lviv Institute of the University of Banking


Repository of Institute of Regional Research Von-Romanov-Krispin, O. O. (2009). Vdoskonalennya protsesiv planuvannya investytsiynoyi diyal'nosti banku [Improvement of Processes of the Planning of Investment Activity of Bank]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 52(2), 256 p. [in Ukrainian]. 

Suggestions are given in relation to the improvement of structure and process of the planning of investment activity in banks, and also the forming of the proper planned documents – investment plan and investment budget of bank. The necessity of the planning of investment activity as a component of investment management of the bank, the instrument of management of assets and liabilities, preparation of the administrative information for acceptance by management of the bank of the rational decisions concerning investment has been proved. The author’s scheme has been represented in relation to the sequence of realization of the process of bank investment activity planning, coming from the positions of realization of strategic aims and tasks of the bank, and also determination of the volume and quality of investment resources. 
bank, investment activity, investment plan, investment budget, investment activity planning 

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