Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Voronkova Iryna Yuriyivna

Voronkova Iryna Yuriyivna

Postgraduate of the Department of international economics of the Faculty of Management and Marketing of the National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”



Voytko Serhiy Vasyl'ovych


Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 65.012.12:332.133.6:[338.45:655.26];JELL23,L80,M11,M14,R11
Voytko, S. V., & Voronkova, I. Y. (2016). Zastosuvannya SWOT-analizu dlya rozrobky stratehichnykh napryamiv klasteroutvorennya polihrafichnykh pidpryyemstv [Use of SWOT analysis for development of strategic directions for the cluster formation in printing company]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 79(1), 165-171. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 5

The relevance of the problem of cluster development is acute for printing companies in Ukraine. They have appeared in ambiguous situations due to the development of information technology. Improvement of material-technical base provides the possibility of obtaining competitive advantages by increasing the level of quality, on the one hand. On the other hand, individual orders popularization of electronic information sources leads to lower demand for the paper edition. Therefore, the organizational and economic development of the printing plants is using a range of techniques of management of organizations on the basis of clustering. Strategic directions clustering, printing enterprises should be developed on the basis of extensive analysis. The method of estimation called SWOT analysis and it will provide opportunities for identifying areas of program development activities.
The aim of the article is to use the SWOT analysis to determine the optimal strategic development of the cluster printing companies. According to the purpose provided to solve the following tasks: to investigate the components of SWOT analysis printing companies; to substantiate the influence of factors on the result of commercial and production activity of printing enterprises and to foresee the possible scenarios of their development; to provide guidelines for determining strategic areas clustering of printing businesses.
The article identified the factors of influence on production and commercial operations of printing businesses, which will allow determining the directions of formation and implementation of strategy closteroviridae.
Study on influence of selected factors of the average printing company implemented their quality of (the presence) to quantitative (magnitude estimation) method of expert estimations with use of direct assessment. Determine the factors that largely affect manufacturing and commercial activities of the printing enterprises in Ukraine. It helps of expert evaluations carried out in the following stages: formation of goals of the expert survey; preparation of questionnaires; determination of the size and composition of experts; expert survey; processing and analysis of the results of the expert survey, the definition of the strategic direction of clusters of firms printing.
The generalization of the results gives grounds for formation of the 6 strategic directions of development of cluster printing companies. Innovation and marketing orientated is defined strategic direction for the cluster development of printing companies.
Therefore, the proposed Toolkit includes the use of SWOT analysis method of expert evaluations. Provision of method provides the possibility of determining strategic directions for the clustering of the enterprises of the printing industry based on the analysis of factors of influence.
Scientific novelty is an improved methodological approach to the formation and use of Toolkit of strategic planning for enterprises of printing. However, in contrast to existing method SWOT analysis provides opportunities to develop strategic directions for the clustering of printing businesses. 
cluster, cluster formation, SWOT-analysis, expert assessments, impact factors, printing companies, strategy, strategic directions 

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