Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Voynarenko Mykhaylo Petrovych

Voynarenko Mykhaylo Petrovych

Doctor of Economics, Professor, Corresponding Member of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine

First Vice-Rector of the Khmelnytsky National University




Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC 332.01:332.05; JEL О14, О30, О40, Р10
Voynarenko, M. P. (2019). Tendentsiyi i perspektyvy rozvytku potentsialu rehional'nykh klasteriv za umov tsyfrovizatsiyi suspil'stva [Trends and prospects for the development of regional clusters’ capacity in a society's digitalization]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 94 (4), 28-35. DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 10

The tendencies of development of the world economy and its influence on structural and qualitative changes of regional cluster systems are analyzed. Globalization is characterized as one of the most powerful factors that determines the further development of socio-economic systems, promotes the interdependence of national economies and the creation of highly effective mechanisms for their integration into a single world economic space. The emphasis is on its inevitability and consequences for business entities. The role of clusters in international economic expansion and in combining the potential of science, business and the state to ensure socio-economic development of regions is shown. Transformation processes in cluster systems are systematized, periodicity of cluster structures development is considered, and their influence on regional development is established. International cluster is defined as an international integrated structure based on the interaction of legally independent enterprises of various industries focused on the global world market of resources and consumers that are combined by the introduction of modern technologies into all areas.  The peculiarities of the digital economy manifestation, which is developing at an exponential rate and radically changing the essence of business, are highlighted. The preconditions, advantages and problem aspects of digitization of economic processes are outlined, its influence on the conditions of functioning and structural changes of cluster systems as the basis for the development of a new type of world economy is revealed. The paper reveals that regional economy clustering and digitalization should be targeted at overcoming the resistance to changes, being supported by independent scientific and technological research and having the cultural digital imperative to be successful in the model of digital transformation in global economic space. 
globalization, regional clusters, international clusters, solid information economy, digital economy, digitalization 


Voynarenko, M. P. (Ed.) (2014). Clusters in the economy of Ukraine. Khmelnytsky: KhNU. [in Ukrainian]. {re2019.04.028.002}

Voynarenko, M. P. (2018). Clusters in the institutional economics. Schweinfurt: Time Realities Scientific Group UG. {re2019.04.028.007}

Voynarenko, M., Dzhuliy, L., & Yemmchuk, L. (2018). The influence of information technologies on the development of modern social and economic systems. Scientific development and achievements (pp. 400-413). London: Publishing London. {re2019.04.028.008}

Voynarenko, M. P., & Yemchuk, L. V. (2016). High technology clusters as technology development innovation centers». International journal of economics and society, 2(7), 38-49. {re2019.04.028.009}

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