Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Yakubiv Roman Dmytrovych

Yakubiv Roman Dmytrovych

Ph.D. of Economics

Assistant of the Department of management and business administration of the Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University




Danylo Svitlana Ivanivna

Les'kova Svitlana Vasylivna


Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC 331:103; JEL M12
Yakubiv, R. D., Leskova, S. V., & Danylo, S. I. (2019). Osoblyvosti upravlinnyam rozvytkom personalu rozdribnykh torhovel'nykh merezh v umovakh ekonomichnoyi hlobalizatsiyi [Peculiarities of personnel development management in retail networks under economic globalization]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 94 (4), 137-143. DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 18

The paper deals with the peculiarities of forming of effective system for the personnel development in retail sales networks in conditions of economic globalization. The theoretical development of the research is the study of different scientific approaches to the interpretation of the concept “personnel”. There are different groups of scholars who have different views on the interpretation of this definition. Based on the study of different scientific approaches to understanding of the essence of the concept “personnel”, the author’s understanding of the essence of this definition has been generalized and substantiated. On the basis of generalization of different scientific approaches and normative requirements for the classification of personnel, the supplemented classification of types of personnel was proposed taking into account the peculiarities of functioning of retail sales networks in Ukraine in conditions of economic globalization. Supplemented classification features and criteria contribute to the development of various methods and tools in an effective system of personnel development of retail sales networks at the present stage of their formation. Management approaches to understanding the nature, place and role of retail sales staff in conditions of economic globalization are substantiated. Two management approaches have been proposed: individual-personal and micro-entrepreneurial. Within the individual-personal and micro-entrepreneurial level, a set of conditionally constant and conditionally variable characteristics of the personnel is allocated. The distinguished conditional variables of the personnel are applied in the process of formation and use of personnel in the trade sector, taking into account innovations in this field. The proposed management approaches are the basis for the formation of an effective system of personnel development in retail sales networks. The results of the study can be used in the process of elaborating of an effective system of personnel development in retail sales networks in the context of economic globalization. 
personnel development, retail sales networks, personnel management, economic globalization, trade industry 


Yakubiv, V. M., Horohotska, N. I, & Yakubiv, R. D. (2015). Upravlins’ka model’ zabezpechennya rozvytku sil’s’kohospodars’kykh pidpryyemstv shlyakhom vprovadzhennya dyversyfikatsiynykh protsesiv [The managerial model of ensuring the development of agricultural enterprises through the introduction of diversification processes]. Aktual’ni problemy ekonomiky – Actual problems of economics, 8, 58-66. [in Ukrainian]. {re2019.04.137.015}

Yakubiv, R. D. (2014) Klasyfikatsiya pidkhodiv do vyznachennya funktsional’no-orhanizatsiynoyi roli personalu sil’s’kohospodars’koho pidpryyemstva [Classification of approaches to determining the functional and organizational role of agricultural enterprise personnel]. In Rozvytok natsional’noyi ekonomiky: metodolohiya ta praktyka [National Economy Development: Methodology and Practice]: Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference, 2014, April 15-16, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ternopil (pp. 91-92). [in Ukrainian]. {re2019.04.137.018}

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