Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Yasinovska Iryna Fantynivna

Yasinovska Iryna Fantynivna

Ph.D. of Economics, Associate Professor

Associate Professor of the Department of finance of business entities of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv




Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 658.14/.17:658:332.1;JELG32,R51
Yasinovska, I. F. (2016). Otsinka finansovoho stanu pidpryyemstv rehionu [The assessment of financial condition of region’s enterprises]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 79(1), 188-195. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 8

The effectiveness of enterprise activity requires constant monitoring of revenues and effective use of financial resources, strict adherence of payment discipline, formation the optimal interrelation between own and borrowed funds, ensuring of financial stability and solvency.
The purpose of the proposed study is the evaluation of solvency, liquidity and financial stability of Lviv’s enterprises achievements in areas of improvement the financial condition.
The methodological basis of the study is the dialectical method of scientific cognition where were used general scientific and special methods of investigation, namely abstract logical and systematic analyzes. The analysis is made on the basis of summarizing of scientific works and ways of improving the financial condition of enterprises are offered.
In the article authors present the results of the assessment of the financial condition of enterprises in Lviv region, in particular the analysis of liquidity, solvency and financial stability. It was defined that the investigated enterprise did not have enough money for settlement with creditors. At the end of 2014 most liquid assets cover the most urgent obligations only 7.8%. Total assets which are quickly realized during the study period allowed in fully repay short-term bank credits and loans. However, sums of assets that are being realized slowly, not enough to repay long-term liabilities. It is noted the lack of equity is difficult for formation of liquid assets. The calculation of liquidity ratios confirmed the existence of problems with the solvency of enterprises in the region, which is particularly acute in the conditions of the financial crisis.
The activity of a large number of enterprises are unprofitable, some part of enterprises of the region is crisis or pre-crisis condition, solvency of enterprises is disrupted, some enterprises have unsatisfactory capital structure. Negatively is estimated the exceeding of accounts receivable over payables of enterprise, which leads to a lack of financial resources and its technical insolvency. This forces enterprises to seek additional external financial resources which are paid and not always cost-effective. Therefore, in enterprises, where account receivables exceed the receivables accounts, is the need to pay special attention to the formation of rational principles of credit policy and encashment of receivables. At the same time it is stated a slight improvement of in financial stability indicators and solvency in 2014.
The negative impact on the activity of subjects of management has the instability of legislation, including tax, frequency and a significant number of amendments to the legislation. The imperfection of the tax system reduces the attractiveness of the economy to foreign investors. An important problem of subjects of management is to ensure them with financial resources. The significant risk degree of enterprises in modern conditions makes strict requirements of banks to provision of repayment of loans and high interest rate on them, which in turn leads to limit their access to loan capital.
The ways of improving the financial condition of enterprises are offered. The providing of proper solvency level is possible by accelerating the turnover of circulating assets by optimizing the payment discipline of the enterprise; identification of reserves of saving capital which is invested in stocks; investing temporarily free cash in circulation to obtain additional revenue and further reinvestment. 
solvency, liquidity, financial stability, financial resources, bankruptcy, enterprise assets 

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