Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Yastrubskyy Mykhaylo Yaroslavovych

Yastrubskyy Mykhaylo Yaroslavovych

Ph.D. of Economics, Associate Professor

Associate Professor of the Department of accounting and analysis of the Lviv Polytechnic National University




Kuz'min Oleh Yevhenovych

Mel'nyk Ol'ha Hryhorivna


Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC [338.46:37.014.543](477); JEL I28
Kuzmin, O. Ye., Melnyk, O. H., & Yastrubskyy, M. Ya. (2017). Zakonomirnosti harmoniynoho rozvytku ta derzhavnoho rehulyuvannya diyal'nosti VNZ [The laws of harmonious development and state regulation of universities’ activity]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 85(3), 100-107. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 19

The article reveals the laws of harmonious development and state regulation of universities. The justification of the necessary prerequisites for the manifestation of such regularities is presented. The description of the components and laws that together form the prerequisites for the harmonious development of universities as a natural phenomenon is provided. The scheme of the laws of harmonious development and state regulation of the university activity is proposed.
The financial-economic component is identified as dominant in ensuring the harmonious development of universities, since the formation of a financing mechanism is one of the methods that ensure the development of higher education. The modern approach to financial support of the activity of higher education in Ukraine is described.
The importance of innovative activity of higher educational institutions in education and science is emphasized, since the developed educational and scientific sector serves as the most important prerequisite for the intellectual development of human capital and the growth of the level of innovation potential of the country as a whole. The importance of the introduction of innovative educational technologies in higher educational institutions is emphasized, focusing on information and telecommunication technologies. At the same time, the question of observance of the principle of balance in the use of telecommunication opportunities in the educational sphere, which is associated with a decrease in the demand for human intellectual resources, is actualized. The need to attract investment in higher education is emphasized.
Special attention is paid to the necessity of conducting environmental research in higher educational establishments as the formation of skills of such activities is one of the priorities of nowadays, as indicated in the National Doctrine of Education Development in the XXI Century and the Concept of Environmental Education of Ukraine.
It is established that the harmonious development of the University is a logical consequence of the considered components, which, at the same time, are realized as a result of the laws that ensure their manifestation. In this case, the priority need for compliance with the law of proportionality in higher education is indicated. It is emphasized that as a result of the development and improvement of the social regulation of the economy, the proportionality becomes constant, systematic, and the law of proportionality is gradually modified into the law of regularity. A similar norm is typical to the functioning of the system of higher education. The law of proportionality in conjunction with other laws, including the laws of nature, gives reason to consider proportionality as a regularity.
The necessity of a comprehensive approach to the implementation of the laws and regulations considered by the higher educational institutions is indicated, which allows to see the process of functioning of educational institutions as a holistic phenomenon and provides qualitative preparation for the professional activity of future specialists.
The need to further study the laws of harmonious development and state regulation of the University activities in order to reconcile the ideological and conceptual direction and the existing state of functioning of the system of higher education in Ukraine is emphasized. 
regularity of development, higher school, constituent laws, state regulation, sustainable development 

Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 338.242:336:[338.46:378]; JEL I28, O15
Kuzmin, O. Ye., & Yastrubskyy, M. Ya. (2017). Chynnyky zabezpechennya yakosti derzhavnoho upravlinnya osvityans'koyu diyal'nistyu VNZ [Factors of providing the quality of public administration of educational activity in higher education]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 84(2), 31-38. [in Ukrainian].

The article investigates the factors that ensure the quality of governance of educational activities in higher education. It is grounded that there are objective reasons why higher education requires constant updates and changes, the effectiveness of which depends on the national education policy and governance.
Domestic and foreign researchers highlighted some aspects of public administration in high schools, but did not go deep with causation and did not introduce their fundamental understanding.
The motivation for conducting this study lies in the need to systematize and classify the factors that can ensure good governance of educational activities in higher education.
The paper provides literature review on clustering and systematizing the factors highlighted in different approaches, which have been developed by scientists. The list of tasks set by the authors includes elaboration of an approach to solving the problem.
The article reviews the main systems of high school’s management, including national, represented as a list of factors that are manifested in the quality characteristics of public administration of educational activities.
Classification scheme to systematize factors that ensure the quality of governance educational activities in higher education based on domestic and foreign experience is offered in the article.
The article describes the main characteristics of educational policies that are typical for some countries because of different levels of economic development. It can be evidenced through government regulations. The article describes the main challenges facing higher education.
The proposed systematized factors are observed taking into account their interrelation and thus they can provide the expected effect in case of optimal combination and skillful use. Effective use of factors in state regulation is evidenced by the implementation of motivational factors. Factors of government regulation are in close relationship with environmental factors. The authors conclude that there is need to change the approach to management of high schools’ educational activities, taking into account factors of social development.
The proposed systematization of factors, which ensure the good governance of high schools’ educational activities, has been designed by the authors based on the study of positive domestic and foreign experience. When building the optimal model of public administration of educational activities in higher schools the updated classification of factors should be taken into account. 
factors, public administration, higher education, educational activities, education quality, relevance, experience, classification 


Kuzmin, O. Ye., Yastrubskyy, M. Ya. (2017). Priorytetni napryamky finansuvannya VNZ: osoblyvosti vplyvu kontynhentu inozemnykh studentiv na rezulʹtatyvnistʹ diyalʹnosti reformuvannya [Priority areas of financing of universities: features of the influence of contingent of foreign students on the effectiveness of reforming activities]. In Visnyk Natsional’noho universytetu «L’vivs’ka politekhnika». Seriya «Problemy ekonomiky ta upravlinnya» [Bulletin of National University «Lviv Polytechnic». Series «Problems of economy and management»]: Vol. 862 (pp. 139-144). [in Ukrainian]. {re2017.02.031.013}

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