Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Yuriy Serhiy Illich

Yuriy Serhiy Illich

Doctor of Economics, Professor

Rector, Director, Head of the Department of international finance of the Institute of Finance of the Ternopil National Economic University



Kizyma Tetyana Oleksiyivna


Repository of Institute of Regional Research Yurii, S. I., & Kizyma, T. O. (2010). Opodatkuvannya dokhodiv simyi: sutnist' ta neobkhidnist' zaprovadzhennya v Ukrayini [Family Income Taxation: Essence and Necessity of Introduction in Ukraine]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 57(3), 165-171. [in Ukrainian]. 

The necessity to change the philosophy of personal income taxation in Ukraine in context of transition from individual income taxation to family income taxation is considered. The basic stages of income taxation reform in the light of advanced foreign experience are proposed. 
individual income taxation, tax-free allowance, progressive scale of taxation, French model of family income taxation 

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