Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Zakharchenko Serhiy Volodymyrovych

Zakharchenko Serhiy Volodymyrovych

Ph.D. of Economics

Associate Professor of the Department of management of the Vinnytsya branch of the Kyiv Institute of Business and Technologies



Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 332.122.009.12
Zakharchenko, S. V. (2015). Konkurentospromozhnist' rehioniv Ukrayiny ta stratehichni aspekty yiyi pidvyshchennya (u konteksti pidkhodu fakhivtsiv IMD-Lausanne) [Competitiveness of the regions of Ukraine and the strategic aspects of its rise (in the context of an IMD-Lausanne experts approach)]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 77(3). [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 7

The essence of competitiveness of the market entities is found. The content of the region’s competitiveness in the national and international aspects is outlined. The method of its evaluation and analysis based on the methodology of the international experts of the Institute of Management Development (IMD-Lausanne) is presented. The technique consists of six stages of research and is based on the ratio of the values of the indicators of competitiveness of Ukrainian regions and the leading countries in each of them. On its basis, in the article the factor and integrated assessment of the competitiveness of Ukrainian regions in the international dimension is made. The evaluation of regional competitiveness factors such as infrastructure, business performance, the performance of the economy and effectiveness of management is conducted. Results of factor estimates indicate that sufficiently high indicators of competitiveness are marked by factors of business performance, slightly lower - by a factor of infrastructure and low – by performance factors for the economy and good governance. The results of the integrated assessment revealed that the absolute leader in the ranking of regions of Ukraine is Kyiv, although a fairly high level of competitiveness is peculiar also to the eastern regions. For the leading regions, especially Kiev, and regions of outsiders key factors and subfactors determining their competitiveness are identified. With the use of the Boston Consulting Group matrix the basic strategy to increase the competitiveness of regions, namely transformational, offensive, stability and stably-transformational is explained. Organizational and economic mechanism of competitiveness improving in Ukraine’s regions is proposed. The creation of cluster structures of different types, in particular the regional industrial cluster, is considered as the main mechanism for increasing the competitiveness of the regions. 
competitiveness of the region, the factors of regional competitiveness (infrastructure, business performance, economic productivity, management efficiency), strategy and organizational-economic mechanism of increasing of competitiveness of the region 

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